As we race into summer, we recognize a champion of an Elk who always deserves to be in the Winner's Circle! Cindy Macias is a stellar Elk who is always so giving of her time, positive attitude, and fun spirit. Cindy is the Chairman of the Investigation Committee, greeting and welcoming potential new members into Elkdom. Cindy is alwayswilling to step up at Lodge meetings to fillin for absent Officers and she is an active participant in Christmas Baskets, the Women and Children's Shelter fund-raiser and BirthdayBash, and various other committees and activities. Cindy walks in with a smile, a welcoming demeanor, and a willingness to step in and step up and we are lucky to have her "in the race" with us! Cindy, thank you for all you do to help make the 1989 great and get us to the finish line!
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