Weare happy to announce that Amelia Mills, the granddaughter of our Elk Brother,Robert Goodmen, a 48-year member in good standing with the Port Huron ElksLodge 343, has submitted an application 2023 Elks National Foundation LegacyAwards. This Legacy Award is morethan just a check. We encourage any high school senior, who are thechildren or grandchildren of an Elk Member to apply for the Legacy Awards scholarship and join the #ElksFamily. Applications are to besubmitted before, February 6th for the student to be eligiblefor this ENF Legacy Award. Again, the high school senior applicant must be the child orgrandchild of a up to date, dues paying Elk’s member from any Elks Lodge. The Legacy “Scholarship” Awards recipients will be announced in mid-April 2023. Please visit our Elks National Foundation website at http://enf.elks.org/scholarshipsfor all the details. GOOD LUCK Amelia!
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