May is a time when flowers bloom and the sun is beginning to revisit us, so it is fitting that we acknowledge someone who is full of love, full of life, and always shining. Julie Carchia is our May Elk of the Month and we are thrilled to recognize her many contributions to the Lodge. Julie has been Chairman for the ever-popular Women and Children’s Shelter July Birthday Bash for a few years now, and has headed extremely successful fundraising efforts for the event which has additionally brought revenue and fun to the Lodge! Julie has been a member of the Activities and Sports Committees and was pivotal in bringing Loud Mouth Bingo to the Lodge, which has proven very popular and successful. Julie is a constant contributor as a Sunday bartender and helps bring in breakfast business each month. Beyond all these contributions, Julie can be counted on to jump in whenever needed to lend a helping hand, keep the fun going, and keep the Lodge improving. Julie, thank you for being a great, giving member and helping the Lodge move forward in fun, function and revenue. You are truly appreciated!
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