Major Projects Each year our members donate toward Major Projects when theysubmit their dues. What is our Major Projects?.In the late 1940's, parents of children with cerebral palsy andother disabilities were constantly frustrated by the lack ofservices to meet their children's special needs. A number of theseparents banded together to advocate for solutions and foundedUnited Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State, Inc.,(UCPA/NYS). Upon sharing their mutual concerns, it becameapparent that hundreds of people with disabilities werehomebound due to a lack of knowledge and experience inproviding for their needs and that ultimately, the heaviest burdenof day-to-day care was borne by families in their homes. Hence,UCPA/NYS resolved to seek out and develop the necessary arrayof community based services to support persons with disabilitiesand their families.On March 15, 1964, representatives of the New York State ElksAssociation and the UCPA/NYS met to discuss a joint venturethat would benefit children and adults with disabilities and theirfamilies. As a result, the NYS Elks Service Program was adoptedas an Elks Major Project. Since that time, the New York StateElks Association has contributed over $10 million to the UCPA/NYS for the Home Service Program including $460,000 in thelast year.On April 1, 1966, the first two Home Service Directors beganmobile services to persons with disabilities and their families.Since 1966, the program has grown and expanded to every countyof New York State with 27 Home Service Directors serving over12,000 individuals with disabilities. They provide referrals forindividual evaluations, counseling, follow-up and programdevelopment for adults and children with disabilities and theirfamilies the home communities.In addition, from our donations toward Major Projects, ourNY Sate Elks Association provides several grants each year tohelp purchase vehicles for use by Home Service Directors.In 2001 UCPA officially changed their name to Cerebral PalsyAssociations of New York State. In Western NY, Empowerand Aspire are the chapters for Cerebral Palsy. There are somany home care services that are provided because of us andwe need to continue so these children and young adults cancontinue to live and thrive in the community as we all do.
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