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OKla State Elks Major Projects
OKla State Elks Major Projects
The Sky's The Limit Ranch
Founded in February, 2000, the Sky's the Limit Ranch, Inc. (SLR) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing animal-assisted therapy to children and adults with physical, psychological and socioeconomic needs. The ranch, located in Edmond, OK uses donated horses and the help of approximately 60 volunteers to provide a profound phyical and emotion experience that cannot be duplicated in a clinical setting. Many of the volunteers are physicians, occupational therapists and speech pathologists.
The ranch has six to twelve theraphy events every Saturday morning and four to six events Tuessday evening from Spring to Fall, thanks to the financial assistance of the Oklahoma Elks Major Projects Committee.
Camp Endres
Camp Endres is another project by OKlahoma Elks. Your gift of $3.65 a year (a penney a day) help provide children with diabetes an opportunity to improve their lives, provides hope for the future and lays a foundation for a positive future. Children from 8 to 18 years old learn the importance of proper diet and to self-administer their own medications.
The Camp has a staff of forty volunters and can accommodate 160 children. OEMP provides funds for the purchas of supplies. The campers, counselors and staff are finding a happy balance between having fun and diabetes management.
OEMP also addministers an endowment trust fund name after PGER Earl E. James of Oklahoma City. Individuals making a $100 contribution to the fund receive PGER Earl E. James Memorial desk set trophy. Only the interest from the trust fund is used to provide the Art Bartuney Scholarships. To apply for a scholarship, applicants must enter the Elks National Foundation "Most Valuable Student Contest". The awards are to asist with the cost of supplies and expenses.
Cadet Lawman Academy
For the past 32 years the Oklahoma Elks Major Projects and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Troopers Association have funded the Cadet Lawman Academy (CLA). The training, held the second week in June, is designed to give cadets a more thorough understanding and respect for law enforcement. Of the 3,255 cadets who have been through the program, almost 35% have pursued a career in law enforcement. Students may apply to attend the Academy during their junior year of high school.
Areas of CLA training include precise and accurate driving by using the auto obstacle courses, and respect for firearms by lectures and target practice with live ammunition. Riding in Oklahoma Highway Patrol aircraft and boats while on patrol is an exciting part of the programs. Cadets also watch the OHP Bomp Squad in action, the OHP K-9's searching for drugs and performing attack training. Toward the end of the week they get a break and relax with pizza and some fun at a water park. Graduation means the week is over and they must leave their new friends, but they do so better informed and with a healthier respect for law and order.
Special Olympics Oklahoma
"Let me win, but if I cannot win. let me be brave in the attempt" Special Olympics Oath.
Special Olympics Oklahoma, Inc. is a year around sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with special needs. It was created in 1968 by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, and started in Oklahoma by the Tulsa Jaycees in 1969. Today the program benefits more than 8,960 athletes and is supported by more than 1,700 volunteer coaches and thousands of volunteers, sponsors and donors. Competitions are held twice each year.
Special Olympics contributes to the physical, social and psychological development of the athletes. Benefits include improved physical fitness adnd motor skills, greater self-esteem, self-confidence, friendships and increased family support. The goal of SOO is for all ersons with special needs to have the opportunity to become useful citizens who are accepted and respected by their families, friends and communities.
The Oklahoma Elks have been a sponsor and major contributor for many years and in 1996 were presented with the first Mike Synar Award of Excellence.
Data Pending
Drug Awareness
Data Pending
The Next Step Network
Data Pending