MEETING INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS: Regular meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month (Excluding July, August and September) promptly at 8:00pm. Dress code for regular meetings- *For the men: During Regular meetings shorts or pants can be worn with socks. Tank tops are not permitted During Initiation and special meetings such as DD visits, pants and socks are to be worn. NO SHORTS. Candidates for initiation shall wear slacks and jacket. Ties are optional. *For the ladies: During regular meetings shorts and pants can be worn. No short shorts. Sleeveless tops are permitted During Initiation and special meetings such as DD visits, NO SHORTS. Culottes or pants are permitted. Candidates for initiation shall wear a dress or pants suit. * *For the officers, regular meetings, green jackets and slacks. for initiation all members must be dressed appropriately or they will not be allowed into the meeting .. ladies .. NO SHORTS, pants and skirts ok , men pants and socks are to be worn. *Officer's meetings as called by the Exalted Ruler. Officers of the lodge who cannot make their meetings must notify the Exalted Ruler