Business Meetings - first Wednesday of each month - 7:00pmBunco - third Wednesday of each month - 12:30pm
We had a great time at the Make a Difference event, Chili Cook-off, and Bingo in September.Sees candy sales are starting soon !! Keep an eye out for a flyer or see Barbara Riddering for an order form. Her home number is 909-862-5856. It's an excellent holiday gift for the family, or you can get something just for yourself! Our Fashion Show will be on Saturday, November 2nd, this year. A flyer with all the information went out in our September bulletin and Elk Trails. We usually have a few of our bulletins at the Lodge, or you can contact Beth Pettengill at 909-374-2161 or Maria Lootens at 909-882-1614 for more information and to get your tickets. We have some great vendors lined up along with the fashions. It's always a great time and a very good fundraiser for us. We thank you for your support.
Lee Gilmore, Press Corrspondent
Our Lovely Ladies of the Elks. Meets 1st Weds of the Month 7:00pm except Aug.
OFFICERS 2020 - 2022
President: Pamela Stein Jr. Past President: Linda Brickner 1st Vice President: Barbara Sikes 2nd Vice President:Margot Wilson Financial Secretary: Tami Britton Treasurer: Barbara Riddering Recording Secretary: Leah Franklin Corresponding Secretary*: Norma Nemec Press Correspondent: Lee Gilmore Historian: Beth Pettengill Chairman of Trustees: Ernie Martinez 2nd Trustee: Lia Tinker 3rd Trustee: Virginia Young Marshal*: Beth Pettengill 1st Assistant Marshal: Kay Allo 2nd Assistant Marshal: Frances Marquez Chaplain: Norma Nemec Organist: 1st Guard: Terry Gamson 2nd Guard: Beverlee Waters
*Appointed Officers __________________________________________________________________________________