In the July Bulletin I neglected to mention the Elks Flag Day event held in June. It was wonderful as it always is. We loved being able to serve you at our dessert table that day, thank you to all who supported it. Club Treasurer Barbara Riddering was so happy to get to help with the Elks Fireworks Booth again this year. She also drove her car in the Highland Independence Day Parade to represent Emblem. The Over the Hill Gang, which meets at the Lodge, asked the Dessert Table Chairman, Norma Nemec, to be at their Installation Luncheon with their goodies. She had President Pamela Stein, Maria Lootens and Terrie Garcia there to help her also. They served 100 people. It was a great success, and everyone was so glad they were there. We will not be meeting in September. Several of our members will be attending our Supreme Convention being held in Orlando Florida that first week. Our Fashion Show is back on for November 6. Watch for the opportunity to buy tickets coming soon. We will play Bunco on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, come on out and have a great time. Please call Linda Brickner to let her know you are coming. Happy Summer!! Lee Gilmore, Press Correspondent
Our Lovely Ladies of the Elks. Meets 1st Weds of the Month 7:00pm except Aug.
OFFICERS 2020 - 2022
President: Pamela Stein Jr. Past President: Linda Brickner 1st Vice President: Barbara Sikes 2nd Vice President:Margot Wilson Financial Secretary: Tami Britton Treasurer: Barbara Riddering Recording Secretary: Leah Franklin Corresponding Secretary*: Norma Nemec Press Correspondent: Lee Gilmore Historian: Beth Pettengill Chairman of Trustees: Ernie Martinez 2nd Trustee: Lia Tinker 3rd Trustee: Virginia Young Marshal*: Beth Pettengill 1st Assistant Marshal: Kay Allo 2nd Assistant Marshal: Frances Marquez Chaplain: Norma Nemec Organist: 1st Guard: Terry Gamson 2nd Guard: Beverlee Waters
*Appointed Officers __________________________________________________________________________________