On July 12th from 2pm – 4pm we held an event to honor and build a support team around these families. These families are referred to as Gold Star Families.
Your attendance at this event gave these families a reminder that we appreciate and honor their fallen members life that they gave for us to enjoy the freedoms of our nation.
If you’re interested in pledging your business, or speaking to other businesses, to support these families here’s an example of what you can do – you will be called Post Partners.
You’ll pledge to participate in our honor and support events, typically twice per year. You’ll pledge to provide your services pro bono or reduced rate to the Gold Star families. You’ll pledge to be on call for emergency needs, and to rally others to become Post Partners. These partners may or may not be members of our Elks Lodge.
Why would you want to be a Post Partner in this event?
-Because it feels good -Honor and support families in your own community ? Recognized as a key role in the honoring of families ? Increase promotional activity in local community
-Build relationships with other organizations and local merchants
-Promote partnerships with credible and honored organizations with powerful missions
-Enhanced social media exposure of partnership and activities
-Create a sense of belonging for happier, healthier lives leading to a more stable and supportive society.
-Receive tax-deductible donation receipts for all donations Come join the KIA Honor Flag Organization
and Elks Lodge 824 to honor and support our Gold Star Families
To learn more about how you can help, contact the lodge.