This Association was formally organized on the 29th day of March, 1921, in the Lodge Room of Baltimore Lodge No. 7. This association of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks’ Lodges was formed to unite all Elks in closer bonds of Fraternity, to promote the interests of the Order, to exchange ideas beneficial to the Lodges and to bear true allegiance to the constitution and laws of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America.
The Association was first known as “The Maryland State Association.” Pending passage of Grand Lodge legislation at Los Angeles in 1921, Washington D.C. and Delaware were taken in as Honorary Members. This Association has grown and today it is known as the Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia Elks Association, consisting of 39 Lodges (32 in Maryland, 7 in Delaware). Membership is in excess of 24,000. MAJOR PROJECT: Elks Camp Barrett – a camp for youth, located at 1001 Chesterfield Road (nr. Crownsville), Annapolis, Maryland. Camping season begins in June and ends in August for youth from 9-12 years of age. Separate weeks are scheduled for boys, girls, and the handicapped. Other times it is available for use by Lodges, Churches, Scouting, Civic Organizations, and others.
VETERANS ADMINISTRATION VOLUNTEER SERVICE. About 800 visits are made each year to Veteran Hospitals, donating over 2,700 hours to help brighten the days of the hospitalized veterans.
CHARITABLE WORK. Donates in excess of $1,500,000 annually to help others in and around the community served by a Lodge of Elks.
ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION DONATIONS: Donated $218,504 for the Fiscal year ending March 31, 2007. Total given since the inception of the Foundation in 1928, $5,313,439. SERVICES PROVIDED by State Association Committees include: Americanism, Auditing and Business Practices, Auto Tags, Elks Camp Barrett, Elks National Veterans Service Commission, Elks National Foundation, Government Relations, Grand Lodge Convention, “Hoop Shoot,” “Soccer Shoot,” Inter-Lodge Activities, Drug Awareness, Lodge Development and Assistance, Membership/Lapsation, Lodge Activities, Memorial Service, Elks Training, Public Relations, Ritualistic, Scholarship, Youth Activities, Youth, Tennis, Golf & Bowling and others. Ad-Hoc Committees are named as needed for special projects such as the WWII Memorial Fund. The Association supported the restoration of the Statue of Liberty; Rose Bowl Floats; The Elks Memorial Restoration Fund; and continues to support the William J. Jernick Memorial Fund–a project in honor of our former sponsor, William J. Jernick, Past Grand Exalted Ruler.