Calera, AL 2703


Calera Elks Lodge #2703 is proud to serve our community in MANY ways.  We have a Vets and Srs Assistance Program, reaching out to less fortunate Veterans and Senior Citizens and providing a time a fellowship, including lunch, and sending them home with a few essential items each month.  (Third Saturday each month). 

We also provide Food boxes to the needy, and help around 30 kids each Christmas that otherwise might not have anything.

We sponsor teams and provide support for the Field of Angels Baseball league in Calera, a league for special needs kids and adults.  Without this program, these kids would probably never have the opportunity to participate in organized sports.

We do a quarterly pancake breakfast, to restock a local church's Food Bank.  We are typically able to provide them with a few months supply of canned goods.

Each October we have a "Throw for a Cure" dart tournament, raising money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama. 

If you would like more information on any of this, or other ways we give back to our community, please feel free to contact us at