Portland, ME 188

In Memory Of Our Past Members

You have heard the tolling of Eleven Strokes;

This is to remind you that with us the hour of 11:00 has a tender significance. Wherever an Elk may roam, whatever their lot in life may be,
When this hour falls upon the dial of night, the great heart of Elkdom swells and throbs,
It is the golden hour of recollection, the homecoming of those who wander, the mystic role call of those who will come no more,
Living or dead, an Elk is never forgotten, never forsaken, Morning and noon may pass them by, the light of day sink heedlessly in the West, but ere' the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message:

"To Our Absent Members In The 11th Hour"

LTM- Denotes Life Time Member


01/01/09 Patricia DeGrinney

12/24/08 Paul Odell

11/05/08 Richard Swift

10/07/08 Allan Schuler

10/01/08 J. Freeman Porter

10/00/08 Darryll Mileski

10/00/08 Allan Schuler

10/00/08 Mark Scavoni.

11/12/07 Alan Tobey LTM

11/24/07 Edward Grady

12/29/07 Gerry Balzano

12/29/07 Anthony Leyko

4/08 Richard Costello

4/08 Benjamin Alfiero

4/29/08 George Wing Sr.

5/4/08 Joseph Nolfo

6/25/08 Settimo Trivellin


12/04/06 Kenneth R. Carle

2/07 Clarence Carter

02/20/07 Leo Thiboutot LTM

03/19/07 Homar C. Michal LTM

4/7/07 Clark Neily

4/07 Ron Penney

4/18/07 Vicki Chuluda

4/23/07 Bob Conlogue

4/28/07 David Thomas

4/30/07 Robert Stanley LTM

6/14/07 Ken Howard

6/29/07 Ralph Greenwood LTM

7/11/07 Jack Campbell

8/27/07 Robert Simmons

10/08/07 Donald Rogers-Past Trustee & LTM


12/04/05 Ronald B. Lister

12/05/05 Henry W. Lively

12/17/06 Edward A. Fernard PER

12/23/05 Andrew E. Lekousi

02/12/06 Lee. L. Staples Sr. LTM

02/28/06 Harry Kaklegian LTM

03/01/06 Edward Mehan

03/18/06 Robert Smart LTM

03/29/06 James A. Martin Jr.

04/02/06 Matthew L. DiPierro

04/08/06 Raymond R Gosselin

04/14/06 John J. O'Leary LTM

05/05/06 Raymond A. Landry, LTM

06/06/06 Sebastiano Petillo, LTM

06/27/06 Zohab Antranigian

06/30/06 James M O'Grady

07/05/06 Patricia Corey

07/12/06 William E. Feeney

07/21/06 John Archibald

07/26/06 Thomas J Donahue LTM

08/15/06 William H. Nelseon LTM

08/19/06 John J. Ganam

08/29/06 Ralph Troiano PER, LTM

09/01/06 Cecil Hinds

09/30/06 Marcel Violette Sr.

10/06 Cecil Burtasket LTM

10/13/06 Frank J. Levandoski Sr. LTM