Monterey, CA 1285

Business Operations Committee

Job Description, Business Operations Committee (BOps),  Monterey Elks Lodge #1285

                                                                                                                                     (Drafted 3/27/17)

BOps Role and responsibilities

  • To work collaboratively with Lodge contractors, such as the catering contractor, in developing and reviewing contracts made by the Lodge for rental of Lodge rooms, barbecue area, and other services.
  • To assist catering and other contractors to bring their needs to the Business Operations Committee, which will present consolidated contract drafts for discussion by the House Committee, if applicable, and final approval by Lodge Trustees.
  • To assure existing contracts are up to date and meet the needs of the Monterey Elks Lodge.
  • To develop and maintain report methods to track and review contract compliance.


Committee Composition

  • Chair appointed by Exalter Ruler, plus 3 or more committee members appointed by the ER and/or committee chair.


Meeting Frequency

  • At least quarterly, and more often as necessary., 1st & 3rd Tuesdays; Trustees 2nd & 4th


2016-17 Committee:  

Exalted Ruler

            Rick Ringler


            Margie McCurry  831-601-5243

Committee members:

            Nick Henares

            Caroll Mendoza

            Angela M Brown

            Caron DeSeguirant (as needed for catering contract discussions)