Celebrating 100 Years of Elkdom in Idaho FallsWhen our current Lodge building opened,the Post Register published a 10-page specialsection on November 11, 1959, that describedthe building and its features, many of ourprograms and members, the excellence andsuccess of our ritual teams, and details of allthe grand opening activities. Thanks to Bob Bybee, PER and Past Grand Trustee, this special section was laminated and preserved for our information and enjoyment. It is in the Lodge office if you should wish to view it.The building provides 34,500 square feet, and was constructed by the Wadsworth Construction Company directed by Golden Wadsworth. C. A. Sundberg was the architect. Land purchase was $60,000 and the basic building cost was approximately $460,000. Equipment for the bowling alley and other furnishings and equipment brought the total cost up to about $700,000. The grand opening was held on Saturday, November 14, 1959, under the direction of a committee composed of Matt Worton, Dr. C. Larry Crabtree and Garth Petersen. N.D. "Andy" Anderson was the Exalted Ruler at the time. The festivities included dedication of the bowling alley by Mayor W. J. O'Bryant, a bowling exhibition by a well-known professional bowler, dancers directed by Larry (Mrs. Bill) Kroll, several different musical performances and floor shows, and dancing to Johnny Reitz and his orchestra.The first Lodge meeting was held the following Tuesday, November 17, with the featured speaker William S. Hawkins of Coeur d'Alene Lodge, who was Grand Exalted Ruler at the time. He is the only Elk from Idaho to serve as Grand Exalted Ruler. There were 180 new candidates to beinitiated at that meeting, bringing our totalmembership to over 1700 members.It is interesting to see the many IdahoFalls businesses that had congratulatorymessages and ads in this special section.Max Ker and Son Lumber, Johnson BrothersPlaning Mill, Old Faithful Beverage, JewelElectric, B.A. Wackerli and Westergard-Mayflower Transfer and Storage are amongthose still doing business. Fogg Drug,Brown and Gesas, Kite Rambler Sales,Jack's Chicken Inn and Pond's FineAutomobiles are some of the ones not withus any more.This special section of the Post Register provides an interesting window on the history of our Lodge and our city. Drop in and take a look at it.dvm