We are currently in the process of updating the ENF boards at the new lodge. Please check them out the next time that you are there. We have a lodge goal of raising $2,500 this year for the ENF. I am proud to announce that we have raised $1,296.50 thus far. We are getting ready to start the process of applying for grants to help fund our events for veterans, youth, and our community as a whole. These grants are very competitive. In the past we have received up to $8,000 in grant funds. If you have any additional questions about the grants or the application process, please contact Christine Raben at (618) 313- 2652. If you have any ideas for new events or suggestions on ways in which we can utilize the grants, please feel free to contact the number above.
The 2018 Most Valuable Student scholarship contest will begin on September 1st, 2017. Applications will be available online. The Legacy Scholarships will also open up at that time. These are scholarships that are awarded to the children and grandchildren of active Elk lodge members. Braxton Raben will be attending local high schools in the future to help educate guidance counselors about each scholarship and how to access the applications. Please save this date if you have a high school senior who is need of additional funding. For more information, contact Braxton Raben at (618) 313-0051
We are currently selling HODO pins for the Children’s Care Corporation. They are $10.00 each. You may purchase a pin by contacting Rodney Ritchason at (618) 499-4659. We are also pleased to announce that we will presenting a check of nearly $1,500 to the Children’s Care thanks to all who helped make our annual crawfish boil a huge success.