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Under the Spreading Antlers
They Tell These Tales of the Order
June, 1924
Lodges Across The Order Observe Mother’s Day
As we go to press with this issue of The Elks Magazine, Lodges throughout the entire Order are making preparations to observe Mother's Day." From the indication at hand, this day, so close to the spirit and ideals of the Order, will have wide and reverent recognition, and the beautiful ritual provided for its observance mil be enacted throughout the Lodge rooms of the Order. As it will not be practical for The Elks Magazine: to publish accounts of all these many observances of the day, we take this opportunity to commend the Lodges for their fitting tributes and to urge even a more general consideration of the beauty and significance of this occasion.
Elks' Banquet Held in Cape Town, South Africa
No place is too far distant for the spirit of the Order to manifest itself, as was exemplified recently when the nineteen members attached to the U. S. S. Concord held a banquet at the Royal Hotel m Cape Town, South Africa. The members, probably the largest number ever aboard a single man of war, represented Lodges in all parts of the United States. B. D. Wilder Past Exalted Ruler of Crowley (La.) Lodge, No. 745, acted as toastmaster of the dinner at which the commanding officers of the Concord were the guests of honor.
Arizona State Elks Association Meets at Tucson
Over 1,000 members and their families attended the Convention of the Arizona State Elks Association held recently at Tucson. Gov. G. W. I . Hunt of Arizona welcomed the delegates and expressed his appreciation of the work being done by the Order throughout the State. Grand Ruler Joseph F. Mayer of Globe (Ariz.) Lodge, No. 489, was one of the many prominent members of the Order who addressed the meeting. important subjects were discussed including the question of establishing a national hospital for tubercular members of the Order in the Southwest. The Association also recommended an active support of the State orphan ages on the part of the various Lodges. Tucson Lodge, No. 385, made elaborate plans for the entertainment of the visitors. Some of the features of this part of the program were polo games at the University, sightseeing trips, Yaqui dances and a large ball at the State Armory. On the closing day of the Convention a giant barbecue was held ate. on the international line. G. K. Smith of Tucson Lodge was elected President of the Association for the coming year, W. C. Doudna, of Tucson Lodge, Secretary, and R. C. Kaufman of Winslow Lodge, No. 536, Treasurer.
San Francisco (Calif.) Lodge Prospers. New Building Going Up Rapidly
During the past Lodge year, San Francisco (Calif.) Lodge, No. 3, made most wonderful progress. Under the leadership of Exalted Ruhr Nadeau L. Bourgeault, the Lodge had a net gain in membership of 532, bringing its membership up to 2,279. Financially the assets of the Lodge increased 874,918. Work on the new million dollar Home was begun and the building at present is rapidly nearing completion.
Decatur (Ill.) Lodge Will Have Lakeside Country Club
Decatur (III.) Lodge, No. 401, is planning to build a complete country club on the lakeside, which will enable its members to enjoy all pleasures of out of doors. The project will cost in the neighborhood of $135,000 and tentative plans call for an eighteen-room building which will house among other things a large modern dance hall. The building committee is studying the possibility of a lakeside tract east of the city for golf. The 100 acres which it covers, if properly laid out, will provide enough space for an 18-hole course. Provision also will be made for tennis courts. Decatur Lodge is in a most excellent condition with a membership now close to 1,500 and assets of $75,000.
Automobile-Fashion Show of New Orleans {La.) Lodge Brilliant Event
Grand Lodge officers, representatives from many Lodges throughout the Order and thousands of people of the city and outlying districts witnessed the annual Easter Automobile Fashion Show conducted by New Orleans (La.) Lodge, No. 30. For the last six years this show has been given for the benefit of some worthy charity. This year the profits were given to the Child Welfare Association. Two big events preceded the actual show. On Saturday afternoon there was a baby parade in which members of the Lodge appeared in baby costumes, and in the evening a spectacular "Midnight Frolic" was staged at the Orpheum Theater to which every theatre in the city contributed one or two acts. Each of these events was well supported by the public, and the various civic, welfare, and business organizations of the city cooperated with New Orleans Lodge in making the whole project a great success. Many prominent members of the Order joined in congratulating Exalted Ruler Werlein and the members on the manner in which the events were conducted. Among those present wore Past Grand Exalted Rulers Joseph T. Fanning and Rush L. Holland, Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson. Col, John P. Sullivan, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Social and Community Welfare, and Waldo M. Pitkin of the Grand Lodge Committee on Good of the Order.
Distinguished Guests at Anniversary Of Auburn (N. Y.) Lodge
Auburn (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 474. recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary with a banquet at the Osborne Hotel, which was attended by over 400. All the Exalted Rulers of New York North Central District were present. Sixteen of the original charter members were the guests of honor. Hon. John G. Price of Columbus (Ohio) Lodge, No. 37, Grand Esteemed Loyal Knight George J. Winslow of Utica (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 33, and Hon. Murray Hulbert, of New York Lodge No. 1, member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Social and Community Welfare, were among the distinguished speakers of the evening. Auburn Lodge has had a healthy growth during the last twenty-five years and now has a membership of nearly 1000. Recently the Lodge purchased a building site for S'47,500 with the intention of erecting a new Home on the property to cost about $200,000.
Baltimore (Md.) Lodge Doing Excellent Welfare Work
The Social and Community Welfare Committee of Baltimore (Md.) Lodge, No. 7, is doing most excellent work. Recently the Lodge opened a dental clinic at Kernan's Hospital for crippled children which had been equipped by the Lodge with the most modern dental unit's procurable. In addition, the large delegation of members and their wives who witnessed the formal opening of the clinic, distributed Easter baskets to the youngsters and entertained them with songs and music. Through the efforts of Dr. Arthur G. Barrett. Past Exalted Ruler of Baltimore Lodge, a private room and bed in the West Baltimore General Hospital were endowed. The Committee has also many other plans for important welfare work which will be developed during the year.
Monumental Edifice Being Built By Los Angeles (Calif.) Lodge
Final plans for the magnificent new Home of Los Angeles (Calif.) Lodge, No. 99, on the southwest corner of Sixth and Park View Streets, which will be erected at a cost of $1,500,000, have been approved by the building committee. When the edifice, on which work has already started, is finished, it will rank with the best in the country and will be one of the architectural beauties of California. Special attention has been given by the designers to incorporate the very latest designs and conveniences in the building, and to include every facility for the pleasure and comfort of the members. Every detail in the arrangement of the interior has been carefully worked out and designed to include the best features found in other luxurious Homes. In design of the exterior and interior a typical Grecian and Syrian architecture predominates. The height of the main structure will be 156 feet while the height of the two side wings will be 72 feet. The structure will cover a plot of ground 214 x 148 feet. One of the many features of the building will be the Lodge room with a seating capacity of 1,500, measuring 77 x 136 feet, with a height of 55 feet. There will also be a large memorial hall, ball room, gymnasium, swimming pool, two roof gardens, seven private dining rooms and nearly 200 living rooms equipped with baths. Across the street will be erected a two-story garage with a capacity of 350 cars; on the roof of this building will be located 10 handball courts. It has been the aim of the architects to give the building the appearance of a real fraternal organization rather than that of a purely social club.
White Plains (N. Y.) Lodge Has Band of Fifty Pieces
White Plains (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 535, has organized a band of fifty pieces, including a fife and drum corps of sixteen pieces, and a jazz band of eight pieces. The entire band will accompany the Drill Team to the Grand Lodge Convention at Boston in July, This Drill Team has won high praise for itself during the past year. Recently motion pictures of this famous unit were taken and these will be shown for the first time at Boston.
Robert McDonald Thirty-two Years Secretary of Jersey City (N. J.) Lodge
Jersey City (N. J.) Lodge, No. 211, deeply regrets the resignation of Robert McDonald who, for the past thirty-two years, has served as its secretary. His never failing cheerfulness, courtesy and efficiency endeared him not only to members of No. 211, but to many outside the Lodge with whom he came in contact. In accepting Mr. McDonald's resignation the Resolutions Committee recommended that "to show the spirit with which Brother McDonald is held and esteemed by this Lodge, that the same compensation now received by Brother McDonald be continued to be tendered to him for the remaining days of his life." William J. Culver succeeds Mr. McDonald as Secretary of the Lodge.
Winthrop (Mass.) Lodge Lays Plans For Boston Parade
At a recent meeting of Winthrop (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1078, various plans were discussed with regard to the participation of the Lodge in the great parade to be held in Boston during the week of the Grand Lodge Convention. Suggestions were made relative to costumes, badges, music, float, banners, etc., and judging from the interest shown by the members, Winthrop Lodge will be a real contender for the valuable prizes to be offered.
Sandusky (Ohio) Lodge Holds First Meeting in New Home
Sandusky (Ohio) Lodge, No. 285, now occupies its beautiful new Home which was recently completed. The first meeting held in the new quarters was one of the most impressive in the history of the Lodge. A large class was initiated and many distinguished visitors were present to congratulate the membership on its fine achievement. Hon. John G. Price, Past Exalted Ruler of Columbus (Ohio) Lodge, No. 37, Congressman James T. Begg of Sandusky, R- Ford Loomis, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, and W. H. Reinhart, Past Exalted Ruler of Sandusky Lodge, were among those who addressed the large gathering. Representing an investment of about S140.000, the new building will not only serve as an ideal Home for the members but will fill a definite place in the civic and community life of Sandusky.
Big Welfare Program Planned By Freeport (N. Y.) Lodge
The Social and Community Welfare Committee of Freeport (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1253, is planning an excellent and varied program of work. Among the projects considered at a recent meeting were the opening of a free dental clinic; the endowment of an Elk's bed in the Nassau County Hospital, flag essay contest with prizes to be awarded on Flag Day; entertainment of the crippled children of St. Giles' Home, and the establishment of a public playground.
Tacoma (Wash) Lodge Has Active Big Brother Committee
The Big Brother Committee of Tacoma (Wash.) Lodge, No. 174, has outlined a campaign for the present year for the welfare of the city's boys. The committee has already arranged with several public officials to give it an opportunity of helping the delinquent boys and the membership is cooperating in this direction by offering these boys positions wherever it is possible.
Brilliant Exercises Mark Cornerstone Laying of Ilion (N. Y.) Lodge
Ilion (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1444, celebrated its second anniversary by laying the cornerstone of its beautiful new Home which is being erected on a centrally situated plot in the downtown section of the city. The exercises were most ably conducted by George J. Winslow, Grand Esteemed Loyal Knight, assisted by the officers of Ilion Lodge and Amon W. Foote, Secretary of the New York State Elks Association. Many other distinguished members of the Order were present, including Hon. Murray Hulbert, of New York Lodge, No. I, and member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Social and Community Welfare; Miles Hencle, former District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, and Philip Clancy, President of the New York State Elks Association. The orator of the day was State Senator William T. Byrne of Albany (N. Y.) Lodge No. 49, who delivered a most beautiful and impressive ad dress. Senator Byrne attended the institution of Ilion Lodge and also its first initiation. He emphasized in his speech the importance of the new Home and joined with the other guests in praising Exalted Ruler Dr. E. B. Manion of the Lodge for his fine leadership and untiring devotion to the principles of the Order. Representatives from many Lodges throughout the State also took part in the celebration. When the new Home is completed it will rep resent an investment of $125,000 and will be one of the best structures of its kind in the State. It will be two stories high and will be of tapestry brick with concrete, stone and steel construction.
Fargo (N. Dak.) Lodge Host to Grand Exalted Ruler
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland and Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, accompanied by Charles D. Ray and Charles E. Witt, their respective secretaries, recently visited Fargo (N. Dak.) Lodge, No. 260, where they were enthusiastically entertained by the members. The distinguished visitors were met at the depot by the Purple Band of the Lodge, escorted through the city, stopping to view the new Home now in the course of construction. Later a large banquet was served at which both Mr. McFarland and Mr. Robinson delivered interesting speeches. Leaving Fargo, the Grand Exalter Ruler visited Jamestown (N. Dak.) Lodge, No. 995 on the following day, and continued his journey stopping at Mandan (N. Dak.) Lodge, No. 1256, Billings (Mont.) Lodge, No. 394 and Miles City (Mont.) Lodge, No. 537. His reception in each case was marked with great enthusiasm and he was the guest at special functions arranged in his honor.
Boys' Club of Elizabeth (N. J.) Lodge Popular with Youngsters
During the past year Elizabeth (N. J.) Lodge, No. 289, made many improvements and changes in the building which houses its Elks Boys Club, so that now it is in a most excellent condition. The Club is proving itself to be highly popular with the youngsters of the community. According to a recent report the afternoon attendance for seven months was 5,690 and the evening attendance 13,517. During the five summer months the attendance on the play field and in the club was 7,869, making the total attendance for the year 27,076. The Lodge has also organized an Older Boys Association in the annex which now takes care of the boys over 16 who were formerly dropped from the club according to the age rules. The association is self-governing under the supervision of- the superintendent.
Chaplain of Denver (Colo.) Lodge Presented with Modern Bungalow
The Rev. Charles Marshall, Chaplain of Denver (Colo.) Lodge, No. 17, was recently presented with a modem six-room bungalow by his friends, a large portion of the funds necessary to make the gift being contributed by members of the Lodge. The Rev. Marshall is one of the charter members of the Lodge, has long been active in its work and is widely known and loved throughout the Episcopal circles of the West.
New Home of Defiance (Ohio) Lodge Dedicated
Assisted by the officers of the Lodge, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler George A. Snyder recently dedicated the handsome new Home of Defiance (Ohio) Lodge No. 147. Nearly 500 guests from neighboring Lodges and members of the Lodge witnessed the ceremony and enjoyed the dinner served later in the new banquet hall. Musical numbers were given during the dedication exercises and banquet by various members and the Lodge's band. The principal dedication address was given by Hon. John G. Price of Columbus (Ohio) Lodge, No. 37, who complimented the Lodge on its energy and its loyalty to the ideals of the Order.
Helena. (Mont.) Lodge to Build, Has Unique Budget Plan
Plans are being worked out by the Building Committee of Helena (Mont.) Lodge, No. 193, for a new Home and will be presented shortly to the members for their approval. Helena Lodge has shown decided progress since adopting its budget plan in April, 1923. This plan is unique in that It makes a flat rate for dues that is actually less to the members than the usual system of making frequent requests for donations for various causes. The Lodge now pays all special assessments and per capita tax instead of passing them on to the membership. Information will be supplied other Lodges that might be interested in this plan upon request of the Secretary of Helena Lodge. The minstrel show recently conducted by the Lodge was a means of increasing its charity fund over $1,200.
Alexandria (La.) Lodge Erects Memorial in Elk's Rest
A handsome and imposing monument has recently been erected by Alexandria (La.) Lodge, Wo. 546, in that section of Greenwood Memorial Park known as Elk's Rest. The monument is made of unpolished marble and rests on a massive base. It is 6 feet thick, 12feet in width and 25 feet or more high. On two sides is the inscription Elk's Rest" and on the other sides is a clock with hands at eleven. The words Justice, Fidelity, Charity and Brotherly Love" also appear. The monument proper is 15 feet high and on top is a large ten foot bronze elk with massive horns and head erect. This beautiful memorial was made and erected at a cost of $3,500.
Florence (Ala.) Lodge Big Asset In Life of Community
Florence (Ala.) Lodge, No. 820, can look back on the past Lodge year with satisfaction in the work it has done and the part it has played in the life of the community. It has kept its Home open as a meeting place for important public gatherings, having been host to such organizations as the Jackson Highway Association, the Southern Insurance Men's Association, and the State Federation of Women's Clubs. In the field of charity, besides taking care of many children at Christmas, the Lodge included in its welfare budget donations to the various relief organizations of the city, such as the Day Nursery, the Free Kindergarten and the Associated Charities. It has also contributed liberally to the Chamber of Commerce and similar civic enterprises.
Grand Exalted Ruler Visits Minneapolis (Minn.) Lodge
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland recently visited Minneapolis (Minn.) Lodge, No. 44, where he installed the new officers of the Lodge. A large reception and banquet was tendered Mr. McFarland, many distinguished visitors being present from all parts of the State. Among those who addressed the gathering were Mr. McFarland, John E. Regan, President of the Minnesota State Elks Association, Mayor George Leach of Minneapolis, and W. H. Lawler, Sie oldest charter member of the Lodge. The whole affair was brilliantly and impressively conducted.
Morgantown (W. Va.) Lodge to Build Big Addition to Home
Morgantown (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 411, will build during the year a large three-story addition to its present Home which will include a basement with sufficient length for bowling al leys, showers and gymnasium equipment. The second floor will be a ball and banquet room, convertible into a complete auditorium with a stage properly outfitted and equipped, dressing room being a part of the arrangement. The third floor will be the Lodge room with a seating capacity of 600. The structure will be of stone, brick and concrete and will cost in the neighborhood of $125,000.
School Children Given Use of Rooms In Home of Ketchikan (Alaska) Lodge
During the construction of the city's new High School building, the students availed themselves of the generous offer made by Ketchikan(Alaska) Lodge, No. 1429, and held their classes in the Lodge room and in the reading and writing rooms of the Home.
Massachusetts State Elks Association To Meet at Pittsfield
The Convention of the Massachusetts State Elks Association will be held this year at Pittsfield, signalizing the thirtieth anniversary of Pittsfield (Mass.) Lodge, No. 272. Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland will be present and there will be many notable visitors from Massachusetts and surrounding states. New York Lodges in Albany, Cohoes, White Plains, Troy and Hoosick Falls will be among the many represented at the Convention. The following is the tentative program of the meeting: ' Sunday, June 15th: Arrival of Delegates. Registration at Elks Home. Assignment to Hotels. Mass meeting at theatre. Concert. Speeches by prominent men. Monday, June i6th: Meeting of Delegates at ten o'clock at the Pittsfield Boat Club. The Grand Exalted Ruler will preside. Dinner at Hodecker's Grove. Election of officers at 2 o'clock. For the ladies an automobile ride through the county has been arranged, with luncheon at a down town hotel. At Hodecker's Grove there will be various water sports. Tuesday, June 17th: Afternoon, baseball game at Wahconah Park, Pittsfield vs. Spring field. Band and incidental sports. Evening, spectacular parade. Taking place at night, there will be special opportunity for gorgeous effects.
Gary (Ind.) Lodge Celebrates Laying of Cornerstone
The whole city was in holiday attire on the day that Gary (Ind.) Lodge, No. 1152, laid the cornerstone of its new 8250,000 Home. American flags and the colors of the Order floated in the air and graced the shop windows as the members of the Lodge, accompanied by hundreds of visiting members, paraded to the building site where the cornerstone was laid with impressive ceremony. Hon. John G. Price of Columbus (Ohio) Lodge, No. 37, and Grand Trustee Robert A. Scott of Linton (Ind.) Lodge, No.866, were the principal speakers of the day. The cornerstone festivities closed in the evening with an elaborate banquet served at the First Presbyterian Church. Covers were laid for nearly 400. The new Home of Gary Lodge will be one of the most attractive structures of its kind in Indiana. The building when completed will cost about $250,000, exclusive of the value of the ground. More than $25,000 will be expended in equipping and furnishing the club rooms and Lodge rooms.
East Liverpool (Ohio) Lodge Celebrates Freedom from All Debt
East Liverpool (Ohio) Lodge, No. 258, which was recently visited by Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, has celebrated its excellent financial condition by burning the remaining mortgage on its Home. Liverpool Lodge, instituted on March 16, 1893, with 30 charter members, has grown and prospered steadily until to-day it has a large and active member ship, owns its own Home and is completely free of debt.
Past Exalted Rulers of No. 1 Organize Lodge Has Distinguished Membership
Hon. Murray Hulbert, Past Exalted Ruler of New York (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1, and President of the Board of Aldermen of New York City, recently gave a dinner to all the Past Exalted Rulers of No. 1. Every living Past Exalted Ruler was present, including Mr. Champe Andrews who came from Tennessee to make the roll complete. The object of the dinner was to organize the Past Exalted Rulers' Association of No. I for the purpose of assisting the active officers of the Lodge in any way possible. Thomas F. Brogan was elected Chairman and William T. Phillips, Secretary. This example could well be followed by every Subordinate Lodge, as the combined experience and wisdom of such an organization is apparent and its possibilities of helpfulness to the active officers manifold. Those present at the dinner were as follows: Thomas F. Brogan, Edward Leach, Champe S. Andrews, William T. Phillips, Henry G. Mac- Adam, Murray Hulbert, Arthur V. Dearden, William C. Miller, John E. Dearden, Clayton J. Heermance, J. H. Chris. Mitchel, Frederick E. Goldsmith, George A. Hopkins, James P. Walsh, Patrick J. McGrath, Frank D. Fallon and James E. McDonald. The past Lodge year was for No. 1 an exceedingly prosperous one in which the Lodge recorded a healthy growth in members. Not only in numbers but in the quality of the new members initiated did the Mother Lodge sustain its high reputation as one of the most important organizations in the life of the city. A few of the prominent men who were taken into New York Lodge during 1923 were: Governor Alfred E. Smith; United States Senator Royal S. Cope- land; George Gordon Battle (prominent attorney and leader in the Park and Playground movement); District Attorney Joab H. Banton; State Senator Nathan Strauss, Jr.; Congressman Royal H. Weller; Edward Dowling (author); Judge George W. Simpson (Acting Chief City Magistrate); Bainbridge Colby (ex-Secretary of State and former law partner of President Wil son); Ferdinand Pecora, First Assistant District Attorney of New York County; Congress man Samuel Dickstein; Harold Hastings, Assis tant District Attorney of New York County; and Jacob H. Stiefel, Assistant District Attorney of New York County. New York Lodge has also on its rolls the following Justices of the Supreme Court: John Ford, Richard P. Lydon, Robert F. Wagner, Edward J. McGoldrick, Aaron J. Levy and Jeremiah T. Mahoney, and the following Justices of the Court of Special Sessions: George W. Olvany, John F. Mclntyre. Otto A. Rosalsky, Cornelius F. Collins and !Morris Koenig. In addition to many others holding high appointive places in the City Government, New York Lodge has such prominent individuals as Murray Hulbert, President of the Board of Aldermen; Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University; James W. Gerard, former Ambassador to Germany; and John Kenlon, Chief of the New York Fire Department.
New Jersey State Elks Association Meets in Jersey City June 6-7
On June 6-7 the New Jersey State Elks Association will hold its annual convention in Jersey City. More than 25,000 members and their families are expected to be present. Jersey City (N. J.) Lodge, No. 211, has been working diligently for months in preparation for the great event and has arranged a program of entertainment for the delegates and visitors that will make the convention the most successful ever held in the history of the Association.
Bucyrus (Ohio) Lodge Has Pictures of All Presidents of United States
Bucyrus (Ohio) Lodge, No. 156, has just completed its collection of pictures and photographs of all the Presidents of the United States, from George Washington down to Calvin Coolidge, They have been framed and now hang in the main lobby of the lounging room. The photographs of Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding and Coolidge have been autographed. At a recent meeting of the Lodge it was voted to make it a part of the duties of the trustees elected for five years to see to it that the collection remains unbroken from now on and that an autographed photograph of each succeeding President is placed in position. Bucyrus Lodge claims it is the only one in the Order having a complete col lection of the photographs of our chief executives hanging on the walls of its Home.
Ground Broken for New Home of Irvington (N. J.) Lodge
Before a distinguished gathering of members from Lodges in Northern New Jersey and many visitors from various parts of the country. Past Exalter Ruler Fred A. Mohr turned over the first shovel of earth on the site which will soon be occupied by the new Home of Irvington (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1245. This magnificently designed building will adjoin the present Home, facing the proposed Essex County Park, and will cost nearly $250,000. Among the prominent members who took part in the exercises were George L. Hirtzel, Jr., President of the New Jersey State Elks Association; District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Frank L. Fisher of Bloomfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 788, and Henry Guenther of Newark (N. J.) Lodge, No. 21, member of the Grand Lodge Committee on State Association. After the services luncheon was served in the Home to members and guests and a special entertainment enlivened the festivities.
Building Lot of Palatka (Fla.) Lodge Turned into Children's Playground
Palatka (Fla.) Lodge, No. 1232, recently purchased a desirable building lot on South Second Street on which it will eventually erect a new Home. At present, however, the plot has been cleaned up, made attractive and turned over to the children of the city to be used as a play ground until the Lodge is ready to build. Mod ern playground equipment will also be installed for the use of the youngsters. The plot is located in the heart of the city, is well shaded and will prove a valuable asset to the children's welfare and happiness during the hot summer.
Florida State Elks Association Meets at Miami
The Florida State Elks Association held its nineteenth annual convention at Miami. From the point of view of attendance and the extremely important work accomplished, the meeting will go down on record as the most successful in the history of the Association. Eighteen Lodges out of the twenty that are members of the Association were well represented, and it was estimated that nearly 2,000 delegates and visitors were present. In the various contests that were on the program of the convention, Miami (Fla.) Lodge, No. 948, won the silver loving cup for excellence in Ritualistic Work, and St. Augustine (Fla.) Lodge, No. 829, won a similar cup for the best attendance of officers during the year. Some of the recommendations endorsed by the dele gates to be carried out during the ensuing year were the appointment of a committee of five to work with the President of the Association in Welfare Work and to promote fellowship between the various Lodges throughout the State; and the setting of the first Thursday in September of each year as Children's Day. The convention also endorsed the idea of making an annual gift to the residents of the Elks National Home at Bedford, Va., and were unanimous in advocating means of stirring up greater interest in Flag Day and of "helping the poor and crippled children of the State. In view of the excellent work of the officers of the Association during the past year they were unanimously elected to fill a second term for the ensuing year. Lakeland (Fla.) Lodge, No. 1291, was chosen as the Convention City for 1925. Among the prominent members of the Order present were Hon. Jefferson B. Browne, Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court and W. H. Mustaine, President of the Tennessee State Elks Association of Nashville (Tenn.) Lodge, No. 72.
Building Plans of Various Lodges Approved
The following purchases of property and building plans have been approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler and the Board of Trustees:
White Plains (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 535. Erection of a new two story and basement building at an estimated cost of $110,000. The Lodge already owns the site which is valued at $50,000.
Patchogue (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1323. Erection of a Horne on the site of their present building at an estimated cost of $125,000 with furnishings of $15,000.
Charleston (Ill.) Lodge, No. 623. Purchase of a Home at a cost of $10,000 on which they are to spend $2,600 on improvements.
Fredericksburg (Va.) lodge, No. 875. Enlarging its Home, the estimated cost of the addition to be $20,000 with furnishings to cost $2,500.
Mannington (W. Va.) Lodge Gives Series of Successful Dances
Mannington (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 388, has been giving a series of very successful dances during the past winter and spring months, which have been largely attended by members and their friends from many northern West Virginia cities. The series ended with the Lodge's Annual Easter Ball for which the Steel City's Collegians of Pittsburgh, Pa., furnished the music.
Las Vegas (Nev.) Lodge Shows Fine Growth
Las Vegas (Nev.) Lodge, No. 1468, which was instituted on July 5, 1923, with a charter list of 56 members, now has close to 200 names on its roster. Its present Home, dedicated last December, covers the entire second floor of the Lillis Block. A fine large Lodge room, a lounge, and a ball room are some of its features. The Lodge rents this ball room on occasions for various public meetings and dances, thereby deriving enough revenue to pay a large portion of its rent and overhead expenses. Las Vegas Lodge is situated in a wide awake desert town, the gateway to the famous Boulder and Black Canyon Dam, in a city that is showing remarkable growth and development.
Buffalo (N. Y.) Lodge Ready for Convention of State Association
Buffalo (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 23, is all ready for the convention of the New York State Elks Association, which will be held, in its city on June 2-4. Preparations have been made on a large scale and every indication points to a record attendance and the most successful meeting ever held by the Association, Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland and many other prominent members of the Order will be present. The following is the program at the time this issue of The Elks Magazine went to press: Public exercises on Sunday evening, June 1st. Opening of Convention, Hotel Statler Ballroom, 10 A.M., Monday, June 2nd. At 2 P.M. Monday fifty mile boat ride on Crystal Beach Company boat. Monday evening the delegates will be the guests of the Fort Erie Beach Company; an elaborate program has been arranged including fireworks. The Ritualistic contest will also be held on Monday evening. On Tuesday, Niagara Falls Lodge will entertain the visitors, returning to Buffalo for the Grand Ball at Hotel Statler in the evening. Drill Team contests at Front, Wednesday, at 10 o'clock. Grand Parade at 2 P.M. Wednesday, followed by massed bands. During the three days of the convention the 11 o'clock toast will be given at different points throughout the city.
St. Cloud (Minn.) Lodge Cooperates With American Legion
St. Cloud (Minn.) Lodge, No. 516, recently showed its "Big Brother" spirit by sponsoring the indoor "Mardi Gras Chinatown" which came to the city under the auspices of the Wal lace S. Chute Post 76 of the American Legion. The purpose of the carnival was to raise funds for the entertainment of the State Convention of the Legion to be held in St. Cloud in August. The Lodge was highly successful in stimulating public enthusiasm in the affair and was directly responsible for the satisfactory results.
Large Sums Spent for Charities By Detroit (Mich.) Lodge
The secretary's report for Detroit (Mich.) Lodge, No. 34, for the year ending March 31, 1924, shows, among many other interesting items, that the Lodge expended approximately $34,500 for relief, distress, funerals, charities and welfare work. This represents an actual per capita expenditure of $5.75 for each and every member on the rolls of the Lodge. The welfare activities, outside of Christmas and Thanksgiving, included Orphans' May Day, Decoration Day, Flag Day, Armistice Day, Kiddies' Base Ball Day, Memorial Day, Old Newsboys, Fresh Air Fund, Oberammergau Children, Olympic Meet, Japanese Disaster and Educational Fund.
Wilmington (Del.) Lodge Will Build Imposing New Home
Wilmington (Del.) Lodge, No. 307, will start building a beautiful new Home this year. It is proposed to erect the building on the site now occupied by the Lodge on Market Street. It will cover a plot 80 x 100 feet and be six stories high, of Italian Renaissance design. The plans call for a most complete club and Lodge building, embodying all the modem facilities in its construction and furnished throughout with taste and luxury.
Pekin (III.) Lodge Has Fast Ball Team Anxious for Games
Pekin (Ill.) Lodge, No. 1271, recently organized the Elks Twilight League for the baseball season of 1924. There are six teams competing and every man on the teams is a member of the Lodge. The members have also organized a team to compete with other Elks Lodges and would like to hear from any teams anxious to try their skill on the diamond.
Weekly Entertainments of Washington (D. C.) Lodge Have Large Attendance
The Sunday night entertainments given by Washington (D.C.) Lodge, No. 15, are proving most enjoyable, as is evidenced by the constantly increasing attendance. These entertainments are free to members and their families, and consist of music, moving pictures and vaudeville.
Pontiac (III.) Lodge Occupies Handsome New Home
Pontiac (Ill.) Lodge, No. 1019, is now occupying its beautiful new Home which it recently purchased. The building is three stories high and has a large basement, reading and lounging rooms, billiard and pool room and a well equipped Lodge room. The building, formerly the residence of Frank Carothers, a member of the Lodge during his life, was sold to Pontiac Lodge for $20,000 by his widow, though the property was easily worth $100,000. Due to her generosity and because of the splendid work of the officers m working out the financial plans for the purchase, Pontiac Lodge has now one of the most handsome and comfortable Homes in the Central West.
Port Townsend (Wash.) Lodge Has Large 'Home-Coming"
A large "Home-Coming" marked the celebration of its twenty-ninth anniversary by Port Townsend (Wash.) Lodge, No. 317. Members residing in Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Belling- ham and other communities were on hand to enjoy die elaborate program of the evening which included a banquet, addresses by prominent visitors, music and vaudeville acts.
Westfield (Mass.) Lodge Instituted by District Deputy Donovan
The institution of Westfield (Mass.) Lodge No. 1481 was a gala event in which the townspeople showed their appreciation by decorating the principal streets and turning out by the thousands to welcome the visiting members. About 2,000 Elks from all over New England marched in the parade that was greeted all along the line with loud applause. The institution was conducted by District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John E. Donovan, and many distinguished members of the Order were present at the ceremony. The Exalted Ruler is Harry E. Williams and the Secretary is James T. Burke.
Eveleth (Minn.) Lodge Dedicates New Home
The beautiful new Home of Eveleth (Minn.) Lodge, No. 1161, was recently dedicated, impressive exercises and a fine program of entertainment marking its formal opening. Perhaps few Lodges suffered so many discouraging setbacks in building as did Eveleth Lodge. When the Home was nearly completed in April 1923, the entire front of the structure collapsed as a result of a premature thaw affecting the concrete foundation. The workmen began at once and the building was practically ready for occupancy again in December, when on December 11 it was visited by a fire of unknown origin which destroyed the entire ground floor. Tn each instance, after each misfortune, the building was rebuilt better than before, and to-day members of Eveleth Lodge can be proud of their new Home which stands as a permanent and imposing monument to their faith, courage and enterprise.
Brooklyn (N. Y.) Lodge Spent Large Sums on Christmas Charities
The Christmas Basket Committee of Brooklyn (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 22, reports that at last Christmas it distributed 11,000 baskets, 500 additional chickens and $211.00 in cash. The last two items took care of the overflow, making a total of 11,600 families who received aid from the Lodge. This was approximately 2,000 more than the largest previous year. In addition the Lodge distributed 2,730 pairs of shoes, which was approximately 700 pairs more than the highest previous year. The Lodge also gave away over 2,000 pairs of stockings, which were donated by various members. Approximately $50,000 was raised and nearly $40,000 was ex pended in connection with this annual charity by Brooklyn Lodge.
Ball Team of Orange (N. J.) Lodge Plays for Crippled Kiddies Fund
Orange (N. J.) Lodge, No. 135, has organized an excellent baseball team known as the "Orange Elks." The team has already played some important games and has arranged a fine schedule for the season. All the money made by the team from its games will be donated to the Lodge's Crippled Kiddies Fund and mil further its comprehensive work in this field.
Salt Lake City (Utah) Lodge Celebrates Silver Jubilee
Salt Lake City (Utah) Lodge, No. 85, recently celebrated its Silver Jubilee. A supper, entertainment by artists from all over the country, an exhibition by the Drill Team, and the Inaugural Ball in honor of retiring and newly elected officers, were features of the celebration. Since its institution on April 5, 1899, Salt Lake City Lodge has prospered substantially, and grown steadily until now it has a membership of over 3,300 and owns one of the finest Homes in the Order.
Asbury Park (N. J.) Lodge Mourns Death of Leon R. Taylor
Members of Asbury Park (N. J.) Lodge, No. 128, and his many friends mourn the death of Leon R. Taylor, former Governor of New Jersey and an active member in the affairs of the Lodge. Mr. Taylor was the youngest Governor to hold office, having just passed, with a two days' margin, the required age of thirty when he was inaugurated on October 28, 1913. Previous to his governorship he was speaker of the Assembly. He had a brilliant war record, and two attacks of influenza overseas were doubtless responsible for the causes that led to his untimely death.
Meeting of Exalted Rulers and Secretaries Held at Tacoma (Wash.) Lodge
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Walter F. Meier of Washington Northwest and District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler W. H. Tucker of Washington Southwest, recently called together at Tacoma (Wash.) Lodge, No. 174, all the incoming and outgoing Exalted Rulers and Secretaries of the various Lodges within their respective jurisdictions. Many things of vital interest to the Order were discussed, and many new and progressive ideas were gained from the various officers who related their experiences during their terms of office. Most of the officers present at the session remained over for the Lodge meeting in the evening when they witnessed some extremely inspiring initiatory work put on by Tacoma Lodge.
McKeesport (Pa.) Lodge Supplies Free Milk to School Children
By voting $1,200, McKeesport (Pa.) Lodge, No. 136, assured the supply of free milk to children of the local public and parochial schools, until the end of the term. The work of distributing the milk is being carried on under the supervision of the school nurses, school officials, and the Sisters in the parochial schools, and it is furnished to the children in half-pint sanitary bottles.
Idaho State Elks Association Will Send Elk Herd to Boston
The Idaho State Elks Association will bring to Boston on the occasion of the Grand Lodge Convention in July a herd of elk which will be presented to the city for one of its municipal parks. This will be done entirely at the expense of the State Association. It is planned to use the animals as a part of the Idaho unit in the Grand Parade and to pasture them on the historic Boston Common during the entire week of the Convention. Efforts are being made at this time to have an Idaho man of national prominence make the official presentation.
Plainfield (N.J.) Lodge Sponsors Appearance of Helen Keller
In order to stimulate interest in the American Foundation for the Blind, Plainfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 885, recently sponsored the appearance of Helen Keller, the famous woman who has so marvelously overcome the triple handicap of being deaf, dumb and blind. She appeared in the High School Auditorium before a large audience composed of the leading citizens and the heads of the various welfare organizations of the city.
Portland (Ore.) Lodge May Send Auto Caravan to Boston
If the plans now in the making are carried to a successful conclusion Portland (Ore.) Lodge, No. 142, will send its drill team and drum and bugle corps across the continent in automobiles to the Grand Lodge Convention at Boston in July. This mil be one of the most unusual trips of its kind ever made. According to present plans, the caravan, made up of 16 automobiles, will leave Portland about the middle of June and make its way leisurely across the country, stopping at various points along the route.
Beautiful Clock Given to Fitchburg (Mass.) Lodge
Gardner (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1426, recently presented Fitchburg (Mass.) Lodge, No. 847— Its "Mother" Lodge—with a beautiful grandfather's clock as a token of its gratitude for the many acts of hopefulness and courtesy extended to it at the time of its institution three years ago. Representatives from many neighboring Lodges were present to witness the presentation.
Summit (N. J.) Lodge Conducts Flag Essay Contest
The prizes in the Flag Essay Contest recently conducted by Summit (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1246, will be awarded at the Flag Day exercises of the Lodge on June 14. The contest, open to all students- of the High Schools, private schools, public and parochial schools within the juris diction of the Lodge, drew forth an enthusiastic response. The subject given was "The Origin and Early History of the .American Flag," and the essays were limited to 500 words.
District Deputy Blue Compliments Troy (Ala.) Lodge
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Harvey M. Blue recently paid his official visit to Troy (Ala.) Lodge, No. 928, where he was the guest at an elaborate entertainment arranged in his honor. Mr. Blue complimented Troy Lodge on its progress and was greatly interested in its plans for increasing its membership and for building a large permanent Home in the very near future.
Quincy (Ill.) Lodge to Dedicate New $250,000 Home in Fall
The new $250,000 Home of Quincy (Ill.) Lodge, No. 100, is rapidly nearing completion and will be ready for dedication sometime in the early fall. The present quarters of the Lodge are no longer adequate to take care of the growing membership which is fast nearing the 1000 mark. The Annual Charity Ball of the Lodge was the largest in its history, nearly $2,500 being realized, which was given to the three orphanages of the city.
Dedication of Astoria (Ore.) Lodge's Home to be Part of Public Celebration
Astoria (Ore.) Lodge, No. 180, has postponed the laying of the cornerstone of its new 8200,000 Home until July 3. This was done at the request of the city's committee in charge of the Greater Astoria celebration which is to take place on July 3-5. Elaborate exercises are planned by the Lodge and, in view of the fact that the corner stone ceremonies will be held in conjunction with the public celebration of Astoria's resurrection from the ashes, the event will be of historic importance.
Gardner (Mass.) Lodge Has Novel Idea for Grand Parade
Gardner (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1426, is planning a novel effect in connection with its appearance in the Grand Parade at Boston next month. As Gardner is known as the "Chair City" because of the large factory situated there, which turns out thousands of chairs every year, the Lodge has arranged to have each of its members participate in the parade carrying a special folding chair. These will be used by Gardner paraders during halts, and will be exchanged, at the close of the Convention, for badges or souvenirs of members from far Western States. Each chair will be embossed with the emblem of the Order, the name and member of the Lodge and the words " Chair City, Gardner, Mass."
Lewiston (Idaho) Lodge Will Erect New Home
Lewiston (Idaho) Lodge, No. 896, has voted to erect a new Home to cost approximately $60,000 on property already owned by the Lodge. The building site is located in the heart of the business district.
''Brother Elks'' is Title of Play Presented by High School Students
The High School seniors of Catlettsburg, Ky., recently presented their class play before a large audience. The title of the play, " Brother Elks," called forth excellent support from the public and from Catlettsburg (Ky.) Lodge, No. 942, in particular, the members of which cooperated in every way.
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Lodge Meets in Beautiful New Lodge Room
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Lodge, No. 1224, is now holding its meetings in the new Lodge room on the third floor of its new Home. This beautiful room measures 65 x 85 feet and is one of the largest rooms of its kind in the country. The new ante rooms and lounging quarters of the Home are equally spacious and comfortable.
Albany (N. Y.) Lodge Conducting Flag Essay Contest
The Social and Community Welfare Committee of Albany (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 49, has worked out unusual plans for its second annual Flag essay contest. The prizes will be awarded at the Flag Day exercises which will be held in Washington Park. Last year $200 in gold was distributed among the winners.
Children's Dancing Class of Erie (Pa.) Lodge Give Big Dance Revue
The Children's Dancing Class of Erie (Pa.) Lodge, No. 67, closed its season with a large dance revue given in the -Auditorium of the Home. Group dances by the entire class of 200 and solos by the talented members made up the program. This class, free to the children of Erie Lodge members, was started in November and has proved of great interest, not only to the pupils themselves, but also to the mothers who have come weekly to see the progress of the children. Many of the youngsters have shown unusual ability and with further training give promise of developing into excellent dancers.
Palo Alto (Calif.) Lodge Dedicates New Home
The dedication of the new Home of Palo Alto (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1471, was marked by a large public reception and inspection of the new quarters. Many distinguished visitors and members of the Order from various surrounding Lodges witnessed the ceremonies. Palo Alto Lodge occupies an entire upper floor of Fraternity Hall at the corner of University Avenue and High Street. The floor, which has been most attractively decorated and furnished, has been divided into 10 rooms, including a Lodge room 55 x 45 feet and a large lounging room.
Fire Does Damage to Home of Franklin (N. H.) Lodge
A recent fire badly damaged the Home of Franklin (N. H.) Lodge, No. 1280, destroying all its supplies. The members were able to save most of the furniture and fortunately, practically the entire loss was covered by insurance. Repairing and rebuilding the structure are going ahead rapidly. The Arthur E. Shaw Post of the American Legion and Father Timon Council, K. of C., extended the members the use of their social rooms while the building was being repaired.
Women of Atlanta Will Assist Atlanta (Ga.) Lodge
The wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and widows of members of Atlanta (Ga.) Lodge, No. 78, have formed an association called the " Kle Club" which will assist the Lodge in its charity and Social and Community Welfare Work. Atlanta Lodge has had one of the most successful years in all its history. Its finances are in splendid shape, its Home in excellent condition and there are more, than 4,000 members on its roster.
Round the World Aviators Feasted By Los Angeles (Calif.) Lodge
Military Night was fittingly observed by Los Angeles (Calif.) Lodge, No. 99, when the Round the World Fliers were present as the honored guests of the Lodge. Major Frederick L. Martin, Commander of the Flight, told the members of the Army aviators' plans. Other members of his staff also spoke, as did many of the distinguished military personages present. All the members of Uncle Sam's forces were entertained in the dining-room with an elaborate feast. The Exalted Ruler expressed the sentiment of the Lodge when he wished the aviators godspeed on their trip around the world. A fine vaudeville program wound up the evening.
New Home of Sapulpa (Okla.) Lodge Dedicated
Sapulpa (Okla.) Lodge, No. 1118, recently dedicated its beautiful new $50.000 Home. The new building stands on the comer of Lee and Poplar Streets and is in many respects one of the finest structures of its kind' in the State. Sapulpa Lodge was instituted on June 17, 1908, and immediately attracted to membership many of the leading business and professional men of the city. Its growth in the past year has been rapid, and with the opening of the new Home an even larger increase in membership is expected during the coming months.
Salina (Kans.) Lodge Institutes Largest Class in its History
Over 300 visitors from various parts of the district joined with members of Salina (Kans.) Lodge, No. 718, in the festivities that attended the initiation of one of the largest classes of candidates in the history of the Lodge. Two of the interesting events on the program were the large banquet and the special entertainment that followed for the guests. The initiation took place in the New Theatre to which the members and visitors marched in parade formation.
Sacramento (Calif.) Lodge Observes Flower Day
Sacramento (Calif.) Lodge, No. 6, recently observed Flower Day. On this day, as in the past, the Lodge took flowers to all persons in the city who were confined to their homes or hospitals because of illness. The committee in charge of the distribution had the cooperation of the entire membership in making out the lists of persons to be visited, and as a consequence few who were ill on that day were overlooked.
Utah State Elks Association To Meet at Provo, June 6-7
The Utah State Elks Association will hold its convention this year at Provo on June 6-7. Provo Lodge, No. 849, has formulated plans that will assure one of the greatest meetings in the history of the association. Bands from lodges in Ogden, Salt Lake City and other places are certain to be in attendance, accompanied by large numbers of delegates and visitors. The streets of the city are being decorated with the colors of the Order and everything is being done to make the gathering a great success.
Patchogue (N. Y.) Lodge Active in Many Ways
The Social and Community Welfare Committee of Patchogue (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1323, has organized the Elks Grammar School Base ball League. The boys of the upper grades play three afternoons a week. The winning school will be given a trophy that must be won two years to become a permanent possession. The committee is also making a survey of Suffolk County for names of crippled children. Last year nearly two hundred were given an auto mobile ride and theatre party. The Lodge has also started a revival of the Boy Scout movement in Suffolk County and will begin a drive to raise $15,000 to maintain two paid secretaries for the organization. Work on the new $150,000 Home which the Lodge is building has started.
Cripple Creek (Colo.) Lodge Entertains Grand Exalted Ruler
Elks of the "World's Greatest Gold Camp" turned out en masse to greet Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland when he recently visited Cripple Creek (Colo.) Lodge. No. 316. From the time of his arrival Mr. McFarland spent a very busy afternoon and evening. Accompanied' by a committee from Cripple Creek Lodge, No. 316, he was taken to the Independence Mill of the Portland Gold Mining Company where he saw $10,000 worth of molten gold poured into gold bricks. He was then taken to the famous Cresson Mine. As a souvenir of the occasion, Robert Gardiner, Superintendent of the Cresson Mine, presented Mr. McFarland with a beautiful and unique gold specimen. In the evening a reception for the Grand Exalted Ruler was held at Cripple Creek Lodge. The Lodge room was packed to capacity with home members and visitors from Colorado Springs, Victor and other nearby towns. As a memento of his visit here, Mr. McFarland was presented with the address of welcome painted on white lambskin.
District Deputy Hallinan Institutes Two New Lodges
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler James T. Hallinan of Queens Borough (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 878, recently instituted two new Lodges in his district, New York Southeast; Hempstead Lodge, No. 1485, and Ossining Lodge, No. 1486. In each instance the ceremonies were attended by many prominent members of the Order and representatives from Lodges throughout the district. Elaborate and impressive exercises helped to start each of the new Lodges on its career.
Montana State Elks Association Will Meet in Havre, July 3-5
The Montana State Elks Association has recently decided to hold its annual convention this year at Havre on July 3-5- Havre Lodge, No. 1201, is making unusual preparation for the reception of the large crowd that is expected. Great Falls Lodge, No. 214, will send a big delegation to the convention, headed by its drum and bugle corps. Butte Lodge, No. 240, will also send its drum and bugle corps, while Missoula Lodge, No. 383, promises to have its all-star minstrel troupe m attendance. The indications are that the coming meeting will be one of the best attended conventions so far held by the Association.
Oxnard (Calif.) Lodge Wins Prizes. Stages Successful Minstrel Snow
Oxnard, Calif., under the auspices of Oxnard Community Service, Inc. recently revived the old Welch custom of holding an Eisteddfod, being a week of competition in the various arts— painting, music, drama, etc. The Elks Band of Oxnard (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1443, was awarded first prize in the quick step contest and second prize in the concert music contest. The orchestra of the Lodge won first place in its section. Both units received beautiful silver cups. Oxnard Lodge recently staffed a successful home talent minstrel show raising over $1,000. These proceeds will be used to send the band to the meeting of the California State Elks Association at Catalina in September.
Grand Exalted Ruler to Lay Corner- Stone of Milwaukee (Wis.) Lodge
Plans have been perfected for laying the cornerstone of the new million-dollar Home of Milwaukee (Wis.) Lodge, No. 46, on June 6. Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, accompanied by other Grand Lodge officers, will preside at the ceremony and will be the honor guest at a large banquet to begiven at the Pfister Hotel preceding the laying of the corner stone. Representatives from many other Lodges are expected, and the exercises will have much of the nature of a public celebration because of the importance of the event.
Lawrence (Kans.) Lodge Broadcasts Interesting Program
Lawrence (Kans.) Lodge, No. 595, recently broadcast a radio program for the Kansas City (Mo ) .Station which was received m many parts of the country. In addition to the usual vocal and instrumental numbers, detailed information was given to Kansas, Elks regarding the special excursion rates, etc., to the Grand Lodge Convention in Boston.
News of the Order From Far and Near
Middletown (Conn.) Lodge has entirely renovated Its Home. Jeannette (Pa.) Lodge is considering a proposal to build a grand stand at Athletic Park for children under 16. Wichita (Kans.) Lodge has named its official bulletin The 427 Doer" after the Grand Exalted Rulers famous slogan "Let's Do." Many representatives from surrounding Lodges joined in the celebration of its first anniversary recently conducted by Webster (Mass.) Lodge. An Elks Chorus is being organized by Hud son (Mass.) Lodge. So successful was the Minstrel Show put on by St. Augustine (Fla.) Lodge that it had to give an extra performance. Springfield (Ill.) Lodge recently initiated a class of 300 candidates. Rahway (N. J.) Lodge initiated a class of candidates for Lakewood (N. J.) Lodge on the occasion of the latter's visit to Rahway. The Boston Choral Society recently gave a concert under the auspices of Cambridge (Mass.) Lodge for the benefit of the Lodge's Convention Fund. A record-breaking crowd attended the Annual Charity Ball of Berwick (Pa.) Lodge. The Boy Scout Troop sponsored by Battle Creek (Mich.) Lodge has grown rapidly since its organization about a year ago until now it has over twenty boys. Kearny (N.J.) Lodge is organizing a band North Adams (Mass.) Lodge observed its Twenty-fifth Anniversary with a celebration that eclipsed anything put on so far by the Lodge. The plans for a new Home were recently submitted to the membership by the Building Committee of Vineland (N. J.) Lodge. The Annual Banquet of San Francisco(Calif ^ Lodge held at the St. Francis Hotel was a splendid affair. An unusual program with many features was given in connection with the Twentieth Anniversary Banquet of Woburn (Mass.) Lodge. Officers of Monessen (Pa.) Lodge and large delegations of members recently paid a visit to Donora (Pa.) Lodge. _ Pawtucket (R. L) Lodge successfully staged its third annual minstrel show. Paul Whiteman's orchestra, on furlough from the United States Ship Leviathan, furnished the music for the .Annual Charity Ball given by Gloucester (Mass.) Lodge. Many children of the community enjoyed the Easter Party given them by Milton (Pa) Lodge. The ladies of the Newburgh Dramatic Club gave a variety entertainment and dance, the proceeds of which went into the Mortgage Fund of Newburgh (N. Y.) Lodge. Waterloo (Iowa) Lodge has taken steps toward the erection of a new Home. A Home Without a Mortgage" is the slogan of the members of Montclair (N. J.) Lodge in connection with the new building being erected by them. The Scottish Rite Male Chorus of 30 voices recently gave a concert at the Home of Wheeling (W. Va.) Lodge. Wakefield (Mass.) Lodge celebrated its Twelfth Anniversary with a large banquet, after which the mortgage on its Home was burned. The anniversary of the dedication of its present Home was celebrated recently by Muskegon (Mich.) Lodge. A dance and cabaret were some of the features of the event. To Pasadena (Calif.) Lodge went the honor of dedicating the city's new vocational school. Everett (Wash.) Lodge celebrated its Silver -Anniversary. Hannibal (Mo.) Lodge is considering plans for the remodeling of its Home. Hon. James M. Curley, Mayor of the City of Boston, has been invited by Wakefield (Mass.) Lodge to give the Flag Day Address. The Booster Club of Anaheim (Calif.) Lodge recently held its first outing, visiting Lodges, at Riverside, San Bernardino and Red Jands. Buffalo (N. Y.) Lodge initiated a large class of candidates into Bradford (Pa.) Lodge. Newport (Ky.) Lodge cleared over 85,000 from its annual charity minstrel show which ran for three days. One entire performance was broad cast by radio from Station WS/VI, Cincinnati, many Lodges thereby enjoying the show. The entire proceeds were given to Hospitals and Orphanages, of the city. Casper (Wyo.) Lodge staged a County Fair which was one of the funniest events ever put on by the Lodge. It ran for three days and nights and was heartily supported by the public. The Field Day of Arlington (Mass.) Lodge will be held in Russell School Park on June 6 and 7. Members of Pontiac (Mich.) Lodge enjoyed an indoor barbecue recently" in their Home. A troup of Boy Scouts recently appeared before the members of San Luis Obispo (Calif.) Lodge and gave an exhibition drill. Portsmouth (N. H.) Lodge held a most satisfactory Annual Charity Ball. Bloomfield (N. J.) Lodge has a Dramatic Committee which recently produced a most interesting one-act play before a large audience. Mount Vernon (N. Y.) Lodge has voted $900 to be used for uniforms for its Drill and Degree Team. Peabody (Mass.) Lodge boasts of having three chiefs of police among its members. Many of the big stars from Cleveland theatres and Keith's Orchestra gave a special performance at the Home of Elyria (Ohio) Lodge. The formation of a Drill Corps and the organization of an orchestra and band are planned by Bethlehem (Pa.) Lodge. Napoleon (Ohio) Lodge is going ahead with plans for building a new Home. Reading (Pa.) Lodge recently held its spring outing at the Eagles' Mountain Home. Officers and a large delegation from Wenatchee (Wash.) Lodge went to Okanogan within its Jurisdiction and initiated a class of over 100 candidates. Red Bank (N. J.) Lodge has added a new section to its Home and remodeled the building throughout. Members of Westerly (R. I.) Lodge staged a highly successful minstrel show. Hampton (Va.) Lodge celebrated its twenty seventh anniversary' with a banquet and a varied program of entertainment. "The Great American," a play dealing with the life of Lincoln, was recently presented by members of Alhambra (Calif.) Lodge. A smoker and entertainment were given by members of Norwood (Mass.) Lodge for the benefit of their baseball team. Milwaukee (Wis.) Lodge has chartered the S.S. Manitou and members and their families will take a delightful^ cruise through the Great Lakes on this palatial steamer, leaving Milwaukee on June 14 and returning on June 23, Danbury (Conn.) Lodge celebrated its thirty fifth anniversary with one of the greatest entertainments ever given by the Lodge. A Fun Festival and Bazaar netted Sunbury (Pa.) Lodge over §1,500. Stockton (Calif.) Lodge is having great success with its newly organized band. The annual minstrel show conducted by Bay City (Mich.) Lodge was highly praised by the many hundreds who witnessed its two performances. Work on the new $200,000 Home of Moline (Ill.) Lodge has been started. The Annual Beefsteak Dinner and Dance for members and their friends was a recent event conducted by the Entertainment Committee of New Rochelle (N. Y.) Lodge. Elizabeth (N. J.) Lodge is building a combination laundry, kitchen and shower room on its farm for poor kiddies. Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge is organizing a band and orchestra. Freeport (N. Y.) Lodge claims the distinction of being the first Lodge instituted on Long Island as well as being the largest outside of the Metropolitan area. Its membership is nearing the 3,000 mark. Fort Wayne (Ind.) Lodge held its first Stag Picnic of the year at its beautiful Country Club. Besides many other features there was a Band Contest for out-of-town Elks with $50 for first prize and $25 for second prize. A fine dinner was served the members and visitors. Lynn (Mass.) Lodge is remodeling its Home. A large reception and dance were features of the celebration arranged by Clarksburg (W. Va.) Lodge for its twenty-fifth anniversary. The general entertainment Committee of Newark (N. J.) Lodge reported a profit of nearly $30,000 during the past Lodge year. The reception given by Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge to members of Braddock (Pa.) Lodge was a no table event. A feature of the evening was the dancing number put on by the children of Braddock Lodge's dancing class. During the week of June 7-14 Findlay (Ohio) Lodge will put on a circus. The proceeds will be used to reduce the debt on its Home. A week's entertainment and festivities marked the opening of the new Home of Allentown (Pa.) Lodge. Danville (Va.) Lodge has perfected plans for its celebration of Flag Day. General A. J. Bowley, in command at Fort Bragg, will be the orator, and a feature of the exercises will be the distribution of prizes in the Essay Contest which the Lodge has conducted among the school children. The wives, mothers and sisters of members of Somerville (Mass.) Lodge have formed a club which meets regularly in the rooms of the Home, and which is rendering valuable assistance to the various activities of the Lodge. Peekskill (N. Y.) Lodge recently conducted a very successful Bazaar. The Lodge has just purchased a valuable plot of ground adjoining its home at a cost of $18,000. Members of Tulare (Calif.) Lodge were recently guests at a dance given by the Woman's Club in honor of the actors who took part in the Lodge's successful show. The minstrel show staged by Mason City (Towa) Lodge was a huge success. Every seat in the house was sold and a tidy sum was placed in the Lodge's charity fund for the city's needy and poor. Members of Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge and their families enjoyed a Maypole dance. A massive pole was erected in the center of the auditorium around which the children wound the Elks colors. For the first time in the history of Mena (Ark.) Lodge a son has followed his father to the Exalted Ruler's chair. This happened when Roy R. St. John, a charter member of the Lodge, installed his son Warner as Exalted Ruler. The money cleared by the seventeenth annual charity ball of Bellevue (Ohio) Lodge was turned over to the Union Aid Society to be used by it for relief work among the city's poor. Pensacola (Fla.) Lodge put over a successful new membership campaign. Catlettsburg (Ky.) Lodge recently unveiled a picture of the late L. T. Everett who was one of the charter members of the Lodge and twice its Exalted Ruler. George Turnbull, Past Exalted Ruler of Duquesne (Pa.) Lodge was recently presented with a handsome green gold Hamilton watch on the occasion of his retirement from the secretary ship of the Lodge. The Rev. E. W. Hunter, long an active member of New Orleans (La.) Lodge, has been consecrated Bishop of the Old Catholic Church of the Apostles. Tiler Charles H. Winston of Springfield (Ohio) Lodge has a record of 25 consecutive years of loyal service in various official capacities, with only one meeting night missed during that time. The Charity Benefit Reception and Musical Comedy "Leave It To Jane" was successfully conducted by members of Newark (N. J.) Lodge. The show ran for three nights to packed houses at the Krueger Auditorium. Scranton (Pa.) Lodge will put on a mammoth circus June 2-7 for funds to defray expenses of its representatives at the Grand Lodge Convention in Boston. Brookline (Mass.) Lodge recently sponsored a successful concert in the High School auditorium for the benefit of its "Kiddie" Fund. Williamsport (Pa.) Lodge is considering the formation of a Degree Team. The Lodge is also making great preparations for the coming convention of the Pennsylvania State Elks Association to be held in its city next August. At a recent meeting of Hackensack (N. J.) Lodge a father and three sons and another father and two sons were all initiated into the Order. Marshalltown (Iowa) Lodge now has a membership of over 600. it has done and is doing excellent welfare work, over $2,000 going to the Salvation Army and other charities. Oakland (Calif.) Lodge will shortly break ground for its new million dollar Home. The famous Drill Team of White Plains (N. Y.) Lodge recently gave an exhibition of its skill before the members of Port Chester (N. Y.) Lodge. Atlantic City (N. J.) Lodge dedicated the Betty Bacharach Home on Mother's Day. This Home for crippled children, owned by Atlantic City Lodge, was fully described in the May issue of The Elks Magazine. An Old Fashioned Indoor Picnic was recently enjoyed by members of Springfield (Ohio) Lodge. Seattle (Wash.) Lodge has increased the facilities of its Home by adding a tennis court and three outdoor four-walled handball courts. Modesto (Calif.) Lodge has broken ground for its new Home. July 23 has been selected by Washington (D. C.) Lodge as the date of its annual outing for tile orphans. Camden (N. J.) Lodge has decided to sell its Home on Broadway and Federal Street. The Lodge is to receive $300,000 for its property and this amount will be utilized in building a modem Home. Prizes totaling S60 have been offered by Framingham (Mass.) Lodge to the school children for the six best essays on the American Flag. A Bazaar and Indoor Carnival was recently conducted by Corry (Pa.) Lodge. Hon. Daniel Winters, Past Exalted Ruler of Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge, was recently given a testimonial dinner by members of the Lodge. Long Beach (Calif.) Lodge is considering plans for organizing a Boys' Club to be run under its supervision. Clay S. Morse of Portland (Ore.) Lodge, No. 142, has donated a beautiful set of chimes which will be installed in the Home. The chimes will automatically toll off the eleven strokes at meetings.