Under the Spreading Antlers

They Tell These Tales of the Order

May, 1924
Update on Grand Lodge Committee Questionnaire
Lodges which have not yet filled in and returned the questionnaire sent out some time ago by Col. John P. Sullivan, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Social and Community Welfare, are requested by him to do so at once, so that the annual report of this Committee to the Grand Lodge now in preparation shall include complete data relating to the activities of every Lodge in this important field of work.

Grand Exalted Ruler Attends Home-Coming of Aberdeen (S. Dak.) Lodge
The annual "Homecoming" of Aberdeen (S. Dak.) Lodge, No. 1046, was a gala event at which Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland and Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson were the guests of honor. There was an initiation of a large class of candidates, a concert by the famous male chorus of Minneapolis (Minn.) Lodge, No. 44, a street parade, a banquet and a dance. Following the initiation, which was held in the Orpheum Theatre to accommodate the large audience, Mr. McFarland delivered a spirited address on the tenets of Americanization which was enthusiastically received. One hundred members of Watertown (S. Dak.) Lodge, No. 838, of which Mr. McFar land is a member, came to Aberdeen with him, accompanied by their band. All in all the "Homecoming" was one of the most successful and delightful events in the history of the Lodge.

New Orleans (La.) Lodge in Excellent Financial Condition
Without an appeal to the membership for a single dollar of additional assessment, New Orleans (La.) Lodge, No. 30, has consummated its refinancing program, which calls for a S400,000 loan, and the process of liquidating the old bonds, notes and other indebtedness is now going forward. This sound financial condition definitely insures the carrying out of the Lodge's plans for rebuilding and refurnishing its Home.

Merced (Calif.) Lodge Initiates Class in Yosemite
The first initiation ever held in any of the national parks by the Order was held recently when Merced (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1240, took in a large class of candidates in the Yosemite. The officers of Merced Lodge, in conducting the initiation, were assisted by George F. Hudson member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Good of the Order, J. H. Plummer, Exalted Ruler of Stockton (Calif.) Lodge, No. 218, and L. E. C. Jordan, Secretary of that Lodge. All those who witnessed the ceremony will never forget its beauty and solemnity and the impression made by the wonderful scenery of the great National Park. A special dispensation was granted by Grand Exalted Ruler McFarland permitting Merced Lodge to hold this session in the Yosemite.

Queens Borough (N. F.) Lodge Gives Reception to District Deputy Hallinan
The "Home Coming" Reception tendered by Queens Borough (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 878, to District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler James T. Hallinan and to the Association of Past Exalted Rulers for the New York Southeastern District was in many ways the most brilliant and splendidly conducted affair of its kind ever held in this part of the State. Owing to the fact that the new Home of Queens Borough Lodge was still in the course of construction, New York (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1, generously offered the use of its clubhouse for the reception and cooperated with the Lodge in making the event a success. One of the features of the evening was the initiation of a large class of candidates which was excellently conducted by the Exalted Rulers of all the Lodges within the District. Another number on the program which won the approval of the large gathering was the wonderful exhibition given by the Drill Teams of White Plains (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 535, Bronx (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 871, and Queens Borough Lodge. At the close of the initiation, Mr. Hallinan delivered a short and stirring address, and he was followed by Joseph Steinmeier, Vice-President of the New York State Elks Association; Past Grand Exalted Rulers Joseph T. Fanning and Edward Leach; and Philip Clancy, President of the State Association. Just before the meeting closed Mr. Hallinan was presented with a handsome fully fitted traveling bag by Exalted Ruler John E. Kiffin on behalf of Queens Borough Lodge, and a beautiful basket of flowers was given him by Port Chester (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 863.

Many officials of the County, State and City were present, and so many members from Queens Borough Lodge and Lodges in the District that it was impossible to accommodate them all in the immense auditorium of No. 1. The reception was a wonderful and impressive tribute to Mr. Hallinan, who has so faithfully performed the duties of District Deputy for the present year.

At the close of the session the guests witnessed a remarkable vaudeville bill headed by Eddie Cantor and acts from the Follies, Winter Garden, and many other shows placing in New York City, which were presented through the efforts and generosity of Michael H, Glynne. When the last curtain fell at 1:50 A.M., every one present voted the evening the greatest in the history of Queens Borough Lodge.

Richmond (Va.) Lodge Has Beautiful Home—Shows Large Gain in Members
Since Richmond (Va.) Lodge, No. 45, first occupied its new Home in April, 1923, its membership has increased 50 per cent, and it has broadened greatly the field of its activities. The Home is indeed one of the most beautiful buildings in the city and was purchased by the Lodge at a price of $100,000. It contains among other features an extensive and well arranged reading room, gymnasium, swimming pool, radio parlor, dining room, pool and billiard room and a handsome Lodge room and an auditorium that accommodates 500. For its completeness and equipment it ranks among the best Homes in the South.

Homecoming of District Deputy Daly Celebrated by Lockport (N. Y.) Lodge
More than 500 members of the Order representing the various Lodges in New York West District gave District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler J. William Daly a great welcome on the occasion of his official visit and homecoming to Lockport (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 41. The initiation of a large class of candidates, music by the city band, and a special entertainment were features of the reception. A meeting of Past Exalted Rulers, Exalted Rulers and Secretaries held earlier in the day elected Mr. Daly President and W. R. Cullen Secretary of the Past Exalted Rulers' Association. Nine of the thirteen Lodges in the District were represented. Lockport Lodge is planning to build a two-story brick addition at the rear of its present Home to cost between $70,000 and $80,000. This will give the Lodge a new club room, dance hall and bowling alleys.

Bergenfield (N. J.) Lodge Plans Huge Carnival for May
Bergenfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1477. instituted only a few months ago, has decided to stage a mammoth combination circus and carnival on its grounds on North Washington Avenue for the week of Saturday, May 24th, to Saturday, May 31st, inclusive. Among the circus attractions promised are elephants and camels for the children to ride, a menagerie and side shows. The carnival features are to include numerous booths, as well as a ferris wheel, carousel, swings and all the accessories, and there will be fireworks and music every night. One of the prizes to be awarded in various con tests will be a Special Six Studebaker, fully equipped. Popularity contests for a king and queen of the carnival, together with a prize baby show, are also being gotten under way, Candidacy for king will be limited to Elks, but the contest for queen will be free to all comers. May 31st win be the Mardi Gras night, when the winners in the contests will be announced. Plans submitted by Bergenfield Lodge for a new $100,000 Home have been approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler and the Board of Grand Trustees, and the profits realized by the carnival will go toward this building fund.

Valuable Property Purchased by Glen Cove (N. Y.) Lodge
Glen Cove (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1458, now owns its own Home. The title to the large plot of ground in Glen Cove, heretofore known as the Appleby estate, was recently transferred to No. 1458, and henceforth the valuable property will be designated as the Elks Estate. Due to the successful sale of the Building bonds, the entire purchase price of $75,000 was paid. Glen Cove Lodge is now considering plans for improving the plot and the erection of a new building.

Pennsylvania Southwest Association Holds Interesting Meeting
Nearly two hundred delegates from Pennsylvania Elks Southwest Association, comprising Exalted Rulers and Secretaries from the twenty-three Lodges in the District, met recently at Etna (Pa.) Lodge, No. 932. A. novel and patriotic feature agreed to by each representative in the District was to celebrate Elag Day by offering prizes of $100 and $50 to the boy or girl in Grade schools in each District for the best composition written on the American Flag. Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge, No. 11, will hold a public demonstration at which the prize essays will be read and the prizes awarded. After the meeting Etna Lodge banqueted the delegates and an elaborate musical entertainment followed.

Chattanooga (Tenn.) Lodge Active— Has Forty-Piece Band
Chattanooga (Tenn.) Lodge, No. 91, has organized a forty-piece band, composed of its members. The band is considered the_ best musical organization in the State and it is the intention of Chattanooga Lodge to send it to the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Boston this July. Among other activities which the Lodge has under way for the summer is Kiddies' Day, a repetition of last year's outing for the city's children, but on a much larger scale.

Thomas F. Nally Honored by Springfield (Mass.) Lodge
A testimonial was recently given to Thomas F. Nally, for ten years Secretary of Springfield (Mass.) Lodge, No. 61, by the members at a banquet in his honor at the Kimball Hotel. A gold card with five diamonds collectively weighing four carats and signifying honorable life membership in the Lodge was awarded by a unanimous vote and was presented to Mr. Nally with the members standing and cheering. One of the features of the occasion was the number of the "old guard" members who have been Elks for years, attending out of regard for Mr. Nally. Past Exalted Ruler John F. Malley, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary, made the presentation speech. Judge Nelson P. Brown also voiced his appreciation. Past Exalted Ruler John M. Sullivan gave the time-honored 11 o' Clock Toast. Martin Delaney gave the toast to a good fellow, and James H. Mulcare, a paraphrase of "Abou Ben Adhem," with Mr. Nally substituted for the original character in the poem. Many other distinguished members of Springfield Lodge were present at the speakers' table. Following the banquet there was special music and other entertainment features.

Herd of Live Elks May Graze In Boston Common
Lodges in Utah, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana are working together to perfect a plan whereby a herd of live elks shall be shipped to Boston for the Grand Lodge Convention. The idea is to corral the animals in Boston Common during the week of the Convention and to present them at its close to Mayor James M. Curley for the city on behalf of the western Lodges.

New York Slate Elks Association Makes Arrangements for Convention
At the meeting of the Committee in charge of the arrangements for the Convention of the New York State Elks Association to be held in "Buffalo June 2-4 the following program was adopted:

Public Exercises on Sunday evening, June 1st. place to be announced later. Opening of Convention, Hotel Statler Ballroom, 10 A.M., Monday, June 2nd. At 2 P.M. Monday fifty mile boat ride on Crystal Beach Company boat. Monday evening the delegates will be the guests of the Fort Erie Beach Company; an elaborate program has been arranged including fireworks. The Ritualistic contest will also be held on Monday evening. On Tuesday, Niagara Falls Lodge will entertain the visitors, returning to Buffalo for the Grand Ball at Hotel Statler in the evening. Drill Team contests at Front, Wednesday, at 10 o'clock. Grand Parade at 2 P.M. Wednesday, followed by massed bands. During the three days of the Convention the 11 o'clock toast will be given at different points throughout the city.

Worcester (Mass.) Lodge Dedicates New $100,000 Auditorium
The new $100,000 auditorium on Elm Street of Worcester (Mass.) Lodge, No. 243, was recently dedicated with appropriate exercises attended by about 1000 members and invited guests, in addition to officials of the Order from practically every Lodge in New England. Among the distinguished visitors were Hon. James M. Curley, Mayor of Boston, Past Grand Exalted Ruler James R. Nicholson, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John E. Donovan. Hon. Charles G. Washburn and John F. Tinsley, President of the Worcester Chamber of Commerce. Following the dedication short addresses were made by Mayor Curley and other guests of honor.

Frankfort (Ky.) Lodge Furnishes and Endows Room in Hospital
One of the most helpful things done by Frank fort (Ky.) Lodge, No. 530, in some time was its recent action in furnishing and endowing a room in the new Mary Todd Watson Memorial Addition of the King's Daughters Hospital. 1 his room, known as "Elks Room," has been handsomely and completely equipped at a cost of over S250 and is now in use. The endowment expenses which will be paid by the Lodge will come close to $200 a year.

Banquet and Annual Ball at Anchorage (Alaska) Lodge
Anchorage (Alaska) Lodge "homecoming" for all members was recently held by Anchorage (Alaska) Lodge, No. 1351. The first day of the celebration was given over to the initiation of a large class of candidates, followed by a banquet in the evening which was enlivened by speeches and special entertainment,' The following night the Annual Ball of the Lodge drew a large gathering to I-3agle Hall where music and many novelties contributed to the merriment of the evening.

Franklin (Pa.) Lodge Celebrates Its Thirty-fifth Anniversary
Nearly 200 members and representatives- of Lodges in the State attended the banquet celebrating the thirty-fifth anniversary of Franklin (Pa.) Lodge, No. 110. The Home was elaborately decorated for the occasion with purple and white ribbons and large American flags. Harry I. Koch of Allentown (Pa.) Lodge, No. 130. President of the Pennsylvania State Elks Association, was the guest of honor and the principal speaker of the evening.

New Rochelle (N. F.) Lodge Conducts Successful Charity Event
The Bridge and Dance recently conducted by New Rochelle (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 756, was a real success. The money realized by the event will go into the Lodge's Charity Fund for use in connection with the work being done for the poor and the crippled of the community. New Rochelle Lodge is increasing its membership rapidly and will soon have over a thousand names on its roll.

"Elks' Protege" Idea Taken Up by San Diego (Calif.) Lodge
San Diego (Calif.) Lodge, No. 168, has recently adopted the "Elks' Protege" plan inaugurated some months ago with great success by Logan (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 1391, which was described in the January (1924) issue of The Elks Magazine. The plan briefly is to present a button bearing the inscription " Elks' Protégé " to the school bo3^s who attain a percentage of ninety on their report cards in deportment and study, and to give special attention and help to these boys on all occasions. San Diego Lodge has received a whole-hearted endorsement of the plan from the Superintendent of City Schools and the assurance of the cooperation of the various Principals in making it a success.

Minstrels of Detroit (Mich.) Lodge Perform for Flint (Mich.) Lodge
The famous minstrels of Detroit (Mich.) Lodge, No. 34, recently gave two performances in the High School Auditorium at Flint, Mich., under the auspices of Flint (Mich.) Lodge No. 222. A considerable sum was raised for Flint Lodge which will go toward the expenses of forming a Drill Squad and sending it to represent the Lodge at the Grand Lodge Convention in Boston this July. The team will consist of forty-eight men and two officers, and Flint Lodge plans to make it a permanent organization.

Seattle (Wash.) Lodge Host to Great Gathering of Veterans
All ex-service men in Seattle and western Washington—veterans of all wars, from grizzled old men of the '60s to the youngsters of the World War—were invited to attend the Service Men's Night recently conducted by Seattle (Wash.) Lodge. No. 92. The event was held in the Armory where a most elaborate program, including excellent music, vocal and instrumental, and many spectacular vaudeville acts, was presented for the amusement of the largest gathering of veterans ever assembled in Seattle.

Boston (Mass.) Lodge Elects Mayor Curley to Life Membership
In recognition of the fidelity and loyalty of the Hon. James M. Curley, Mayor of Boston, and in appreciation of his great services to Boston (Mass.) Lodge, No. 10, the Lodge recently elected him to honorary life membership.

Old-Timers of Manila (P. I.) Lodge Disprove Popular Saying
It has often been stated that a white man cannot live long in the tropics. That this is evidently another popular fallacy was proved recently at "Old-Timers" night held by Manila (P. I.) Lodge, No. 761, when there were about twenty-five members present, with service in the Islands ranging from twenty years

Junction City (Kans.) Lodge Has Good Record for Past Year
Junction City (Kans.) Lodge, No. 1037, has made an excellent record during the past Lodge year. In addition to acquiring a very desirable new Home, over too members have been added to the rolls. Before the present year is out, Junction City Lodge expects to have a member ship well over 500.

Drill Team of Eureka (Calif.) Lodge Out to Win Convention Prize
High hopes are entertained by members of Eureka (Calif.) Lodge, No. 652, for the success of their drill team at the Convention of the California State Elks Association to be held this year at Long Beach. The team has shown remarkable advance in skill under the able leadership of the drill master, W. L. Lambert. The Lodge is planning to give a large dance for the benefit of the Team from which it is expected that a considerable sum of money will be set aside for expenses.

James K. Carmack Honored by Atlantic. City (N. J.) Lodge
At a recent meeting of Atlantic City (N. J.) Lodge, No. 276, designated as “Charter Members’ Night," James K. Carmack, one of the original members of the Lodge, its Second Exalted Ruler, and its treasurer for twenty-one years, was presented with an excellent oil painting of himself. The presentation was made by former Mayor of Atlantic City, Harry Bacharach on behalf of the members of the Lodge. Mr. Bacharach, offered the painting as a token of the high appreciation in which Mr. Carmack is held by his fellows of Atlantic City Lodge.

Sunbury (Pa.) Lodge Takes Lead In Welfare Work
Sunbury (Pa.) Lodge, No. 267, closed a Lodge year that was crowded with social activities and welfare work. In addition to endowing a ward in the Mary M. Packer Hospital, the Lodge has furnished the poor children of the schools with milk daily, given the needy gifts at Christmas and conducted numerous outings for the youngsters during the year. The Lodge has also registered a healthy increase in members and is looking forward to building a new Home in the near future.

New Haven (Conn.) Lodge Has Anniversary Banquet
Over 300 members were present at the birth day party held in the Hotel Garde celebrating the fortieth anniversary of New Haven (Conn.) Lodge, No. 25. The toastmaster of the evening was Past Exalted Ruler Samuel E. Hoyt whose opening remarks regarding the possibility of a new Home for New Haven Lodge were received with great enthusiasm. William T. Phillips, Secretary and Past Exalted Ruler of New York (.V. Y.) Lodge, No. 1, the officers of which instituted New Haven Lodge forty years ago, was one of the principal speakers. Many other distinguished visitors were present to congratulate the Lodge on its fine record of achievement and growth.

Lodges of North Dakota Join in Flag Day Essay Contest
Working in conjunction with the North Dakota State Elks Association, the various Lodges throughout the State are offering prizes to the school children for the best essays on the Flag. By cooperation with County Superintendents the state will be covered in a very systematic manner including the rural schools. Each Lodge will judge the essays written by the school children within its jurisdiction and award prizes when the winning essays arc read on Flag Day. The winning essays will be sent to a committee of the State Association where they will compete for additional prizes offered by that body.

A New Million Dollar Home For Oakland {Calif.) Lodge
Following months of study, and planning to combine the best features of club buildings in America and Europe, the plans for the new Home of Oakland (Calif.) Lodge, No. 171, have been presented to the membership and actual work on the structure begun. The new Home, when built, furnished and equipped, will represent an investment of more than a million dollars in addition to the property value of the location. The main portion of the structure will be eight stories high, while the wing given over to private dining-rooms, showers and baths will reach a height of nearly 180 feet. Only two other Oakland buildings %\-ill be higher. The building will include fifty-five living-rooms, bowling alleys, handball courts, a complete gymnasium, as well as numerous committee rooms, lounge rooms and other facilities. The Lodge room on the fourth floor will be the largest of its kind on the Pacific Coast. On top of the building will be a roof garden. Complete elevator service will be provided throughout the structure.

Murphysboro (III.) Lodge Makes Many Improvements in Home
The Indoor Carnival recently given by Murphysboro (Ill.) Lodge, No. 572, netted $3,500, which will be used in making improvements in its Home. The floors are to be laid with tarazza, the entire building redecorated and many other changes made for the convenience of the members. One of the most interesting things in the Home of Murphysboro Lodge is the recently installed memorial tablet. This is constructed of art glass, the names of the departed members being lighted individually with electric lights. The tablet cost $2,500.

Greeley (Colo.) Lodge Will Help Boys and Girls of Community
Greeley (Colo.) Lodge, No. 809, is drawing up plans for helping the Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls. This is in line with a recent report of the Lodge's Social and Community Welfare Committee which recommended that these two organizations be made the most important social service work of the Lodge and that they should be regarded and treated as brother and sister movements.

Work on New Million Dollar Home of Milwaukee (Wis.) Lodge Progresses
Work on the new million-dollar Home of Milwaukee (Wis.) Lodge, No. 46, is going ahead rapidly. This new building will be one of the finest in the country and will embody all the conveniences and facilities of the most exclusive social clubs. There will be large public and private dining-rooms, gymnasium, billiard and pool rooms, bowling alleys, roof gardens, lounging and reading rooms, swimming pool, shower baths, and 200 living rooms equipped with baths. One of the features of the building will be the great Lodge room 78 x 122 feet located on the fifth floor. This room will have a balcony viding space for organ and choir. The room will contain 439 permanent seats, with sufficient floor space available for additional temporary chairs on special occasions.

Results of Annual Tournament of Elks Bowling Association
The Seventh Annual Tournament of the Elks Bowling Association of America was recently held at Lima, Ohio. One hundred and thirty-seven five-man teams, 285 two-man teams and 557 individual entries took part. These teams represented thirty Lodges from different parts of the United States. Detroit (Mich.) Lodge, No. 34, for the fifth consecutive time, was the winner in the five-man event. The team captured the diamond medals and first-money prize with the excellent score of 2S87. Eddie Meyer and Jess Pritchett, the stars of Indianapolis find.) Lodge, No. 13, received the medals and first place in the two-man event with a score of 1,250. W.- Ruchel of Fort Wayne (Ind.) Lodge, No. 155, scored 670 and "won the in dividual event. Eddie Meyer was also the winner of the all-event with 1,860 pins to his credit. Taking into consideration the fact that the Tournament was shot across six alleys, great credit is due the contestants for the exceptional scores made. At the annual meeting of the Association the following officers were elected; President, John J. Gray, Milwaukee, Wis.; Treasurer, Jack Hagerty, Toledo, Ohio; Secretary, John M. A. Galen, Detroit, Mich.

The next tournament will be held in Toledo, Ohio, and will begin on the last Saturday in March, 1925. Every Lodge in the country is invited to be represented by at least one team. For further information regarding the next tournament write John M. A. Galen, 2531 Fairview Ave., Detroit, Mich.

Los Angeles (Calif) Lodge Sells Property at Big Profit
Los Angeles (Calif.) Lodge, No. 99 has sold its Flower Street lot, which it purchased in 1919 for approximately $250,000, for $850,000— thereby realizing a profit which will help nicely toward the cost of the new Home at Sixth and Parkview Streets, shortly to be constructed.

Biloxi (Miss.) Lodge Does Good Work in Community
Biloxi (Miss.) Lodge, No. 606, has made a distinct record for itself in Social and Community Welfare work during the past Lodge year. Besides unusual activities at Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Lodge supported the formation of an Elks' ward in the city hospital and voted a fund for its upkeep.

New Home of Ellensburg (Wash.) Lodge Dedicated by Judge Kennan
The culmination of sixteen years of persistent and untiring effort by Ellensburg (Wash.) Lodge, No. 1102, was recently celebrated by members and representatives from many Lodges of the State when its new 870,000 Home was officially dedicated by Judge Henry L. Kennan, member of the Grand Forum. A large street parade, in which the representatives and bands of various Washington Lodges took part, preceded the ceremony. An outstanding feature of the dedication was the stirring address made by Hon. Robert E. Evans, of Tacoma, Wash., Lodge No. 174, a member of the Grand Lodge Social and Community Welfare Committee. In the evening the members and visitors gathered in the new Home for the Dedication Ball. As a token of appreciation for its achievement, Ellensburg Lodge received from the Washington State Elks Association a baby grand piano valued at $1,500 for its new Home.

Building Plans of Various Lodges Approved
The following purchases of property and building plans have been approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler and the Board of Grand Trustees;

Haverstraw (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 877. Purchase of a building site at a cost of $6,450, and the erection of a Home at a cost of $113,000. The plot of ground has a frontage of 325 feet and a depth of 331 feet. The building will be of brick- and stone.

Bergenfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1477. Purchase of a Home consisting of three acres of ground and a nine-room house at $10,000, with an addition to be erected at a cost of $80,000 and furnishings at $7,000.

Greenville (S. C.) Lodge, No. 858. Purchase of a building site 67 x 147 feet, located in the center of the city, at a cost of $20,000.

Pekin (Ill.) Lodge, No. 1271. Erection of a two-story brick building at a cost of $80,000 and furnishings at $15,000. The Lodge already owns the lot valued at $5,000.

Princeton (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 1459. Purchase of a lot 75 x 145 feet at a cost of $2,400 and the erection of a three-story brick building to cost 815,000.

Dodge City (Kansas) Lodge, No. 1406. Purchase of property at a cost of $12,500. Present building on lot to be remodeled at cost of $1,500. Cost of furnishings S1,000.

Detroit (Mich.) Lodge, No. 34. Purchase of building site at a cost of 8585,000, and the erection of a building to cost $1,000,000.

Huntington (Ind.) Lodge, No. 805. Erection of building at a cost of $70,000 with furnishings at $15,000.

Ovation Given District Deputy Rowell At Visit to Berkeley (Calif.) Lodge
An ovation from 600 members of Lodges in the Bay District, including the Exalted Rulers and other officers of many Lodges, was given District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Dr. Hubert N. Rowell on the occasion of his official visit to Berkeley (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1002. A large class of candidates—the largest since Berkeley Lodge was instituted—was initiated and there was a banquet to the visitors. Short addresses were made by James M. Shanly, Past Grand Es teemed Leading Knight; Hardy C. Hutchinson, Vice-President of the California State Elks Association, and other distinguished guests. One of the pleasing features of the evening was the conferring upon Past Exalted Ruler James M. Koford of an honorary life membership.

Recently Instituted Lodge Buys Fine New Home
Lancaster (N. Y.) Lodge, No 1478, has purchased the properly known as the Parish House at the corner of East Main Street and Lake Avenue which will be used by it as a Home and Club house. The remarkable feature of this is that Lancaster Lodge was but recently instituted, which speaks very highly for the character and progressiveness of its officers and members.

Lodges Requested to Assist in Development of Citizens' Camp Idea
William J. Sinek, Exalted Ruler of Chicago (III.) Lodge, No. 4, is a member of a committee of prominent Chicago citizens whose aim is to give wide publicity to our government training camps. One of the means of attracting special attention to the movement will be a large base ball over seven feet in diameter which will be rolled from coast to coast by Citizens' Military Training Camp students and Boy Scouts. Brigadier-General George Van Horn Moseley and Mayor William E. Dever of Chicago are also members of the Committee which officially starts the ball. In a letter sent out to various Lodges, Mr. Sinek asks for the cooperation of the Lodges in cities that will be visited en route. The ball will be rolled in front of the Home of each Lodge and Captain G. H. Maines of Flint (Mich.) Lodge, No. 222, will accompany it on its journey.

Grand Exalted Ruler Grants Dispensation for New Lodges
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland has granted dispensations for the institution of the following new Lodges:

Kelso (Wash).) Lodge, No. 1482.

Cordova (Alaska) Lodge, No. 1483.

Oroville (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1484.

Hempstead (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1485.

Ossining (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1486.

LaFayette {Ind.) Lodge Awards Medals To Purdue Wrestlers
At the annual banquet given by LaFayette (Ind.) Lodge, No. 143, for the Purdue University wrestling team, according to a custom inaugurated last year, R. H. Turner was awarded the medal for high points, M. J. Koldyke the medal for best improvement during the year, and E. R. Dye the medal for valuable services to the team. The custom of LaFayette Lodge awarding medals to the wrestlers of Purdue University has aroused very favorable comment throughout the State and has been a means of stimulating new interest in this sport.

New $250,000 Home Will House Santa Rosa (Calif) Lodge
Santa Rosa (Calif.) Lodge, No. 646, plans to erect a new two-story Home at a cost of approximately $250,000 and to spend an additional $30,000 in furnishing it. The structure will be one of the most imposing in the district and will contain every convenience for the comfort of the members. Work is to start at once so the building will be finished, in all probability, early in the Fall. The Lodge owns the lot 200x120 feet which is valued at $58,000.

Iowa State Elks Association To Meet at Clinton
The nineteenth annual meeting of the Iowa State Elks Association will be held at Clinton May 27-29. Great preparations have been made for the entertainment of the visitors and there will be a ritualistic contest, athletic games, a parade, a barbecue and picnic, steamboat rides and ma other attractions. Clinton (Iowa) Lodge, No. 199, expects one of the largest crowds in its history.

Mangum (Okla.) Lodge Active in Welfare and Patriotic Work
Mangum (Okla.) Lodge, No. 1169, is active in welfare and patriotic work. Recently the Lodge voted to give three prizes to school children for the best essays on the subject "History of the American Flag and Its Origin." The Lodge has also voted to furnish tents for the local Boy Scout Troop for use on their summer camping trip. In addition to these charitable acts, Mangum Lodge recently gave a large banquet to which the various Lodges in its section were invited. A fine entertainment marked the evening.

Dinner Given in Honor of District Deputy Erich
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler George F. Erich recently made his official visit to Ches (Pa.) Lodge, No. 488, where he was the guest of honor at a dinner at the Washington Hotel. Mr. Erich delivered an interesting address to the members and witnessed the initiation of a large class of candidates at the meeting that followed. Later a luncheon was served the guests and an entertainment was given for their benefit in the club rooms.

Suffolk (Va.) Lodge Building New Home
Suffolk (Va.) Lodge, No. 685, has begun the erection of its new two-story Home. The main structure will be 50 x 150 feet and the Lodge will have its quarters on the second floor. The first floor will be rented for business purposes.

Work of Roanoke (Va.) Lodge at Elks National Home Praised
The Board of Grand Trustees has officially complimented Roanoke (Va.) Lodge, No. 197, for the extraordinary attention it has paid to the residents of the Elks National Home at Bedford, Va., during the year.

Parkersburg (W. Va.) Lodge Has Crack Degree Team
The Degree Team of Parkersburg (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 198, is winning an enviable name for itself throughout the district. Recently they initiated a large class of candidates for Wheeling (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 28, drawing high praise for their excellent work. Another highly successful initiation was conducted by them for Grafton (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 308. District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Charles C. Mayhall, who is a member of Parkersburg Lodge, making his official visit on the same night, joined in the enthusiasm of the members in congratulating the Degree Team on its brilliant performance.

Allegheny {Pa.) Lodge Completely Destroyed by Fire
Fire of an unknown origin recently visited the Home of Allegheny (Pa.) Lodge, No. 339, completely destroying the building and furnishings. The building was one of the most imposing structures in Western Pennsylvania, being built in 1905 at a cost of $125,000. The elaborate furnishings were estimated at $100,000. Trustees of the Lodge met on the following day with the fire insurance underwriters and laid tentative plans for rebuilding their Home.

Charity Minstrel Show Given by Latrobe (Pa.) Lodge
Latrobe (Pa.) Lodge, No. 907, held its annual Minstrel Show recently with great success. This show is put on every year and the entire proceeds go to charity. The show was given in the local High School Auditorium, which seats 1000, and the house was packed both nights. By special request of the authorities of St. Vincent's Arch Abbey, the cast later gave a performance at that institution.

Athletics Will Play Big Part in Life Of Louisville (Ky.) Lodge Members
Athletics will play a prominent part in the life of the members of Louisville (Ky.) Lodge, No. 8, as soon as the new building is completed. One of the finest gymnasiums and accompanying requisites in the country have been made a part of the new Home. Leaving nothing undone to put the Lodge on a par with leading athletic clubs, the Board of Directors have recently engaged a famous physical director, who will be in charge of both gymnasium and swimming tank.

Alabama State Elks Association Meets in Montgomery May 13-14
Plans for the entertainment of the Alabama State Elks Association have been perfected by Montgomery (Ala.) Lodge, No. 596, which will be host to the Convention on May 13-14. This year’s meeting is expected to be one of the largest in the history of the Association.

Bronze Honor Tablet Unveiled by Albany (N. Y.) Lodge
The unveiling of a bronze honor tablet in the lobby of the Home of Albany (N. Y.) Lodge, No.49, was an event which will long be remembered by those who witnessed it. Prominent members of the Order from all over the State were present to assist Albany Lodge m thus honoring its members who served during the World War.

Success Attends Indoor Circus Given By Jersey City (N. J.) Lodge
The big indoor circus at the Fourth Recent Armory, put on by Jersey City (N. J.) Lodge, No. 211, opened on April 22 and will run until May 2. The indications are that a fine sum will be put into the treasury of Jersey City Lodge by the success of this event, thus assuring a good- sized fund for the entertainment of the delegates to the Convention of the New Jersey State Elks Association, meeting in Jersey City, June 6-7.

Ashland (Ore.) Lodge Big Brother To Boys of the City
Following along the lines of community welfare work as suggested by the Grand Lodge, Ash land (Ore.) Lodge, No. 944, has started a movement whereby the boys of the city between the ages of 17 and 21 will be invited to indulge in the privilege of its club rooms one night a week. This movement is only a forerunner to the formation of a permanent boys' club in the city, in which Ashland Lodge plans to take a leading part.

Trap-Shoot to Be a Feature of Pennsylvania Association Meeting
One of the features of the elaborate entertainment program being arranged by Williamsport (Pa.) Lodge, No. 173, for the Convention of the Pennsylvania State Elks Association, to be held there August 25-28, will be a real clay-pigeon shoot. This will be staged at the Antlers' Club, the beautiful summer home of Williamsport Lodge. Every Lodge in the State is urged to organize a five-man team and to enter it in this important event.

Elks Band of Morristown (N. J.) Lodge Gives Concert for Blind Children
The Elks Band of Morristown (N. J.) Lodge, No. 815, recently went to Summit, N. J., where they gave a concert at the Blind Children's Home, under the auspices of Summit (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1246. After the concert the Band and a host of members from Morristown Lodge were entertained in the new Home of Summit Lodge.

Ambridge (Pa.) Lodge to Build $100,000 Annex
Ambridge (Pa.) Lodge, No. 983, has approved plans for building an annex to its present Home, to cost in the neighborhood of $100,000. Am bridge Lodge has been very active in the last two years in Social and Community Welfare Work and has shown a large growth in membership.

Features of the Coming Convention Of the California Association
Among the attractions at the Convention of California State Elks Association, to be held at Catalina Island September 17-20, will be: Day and night trips to the marine gardens in the glass-bottom boats—Trip to Seal Rocks, the home of the seals—Boat trips around the Island and to the Isthmus—Night trips to see the flying—fish Automobile sight-seeing trips to points of interest—Dancing, deep-sea and bay fishing and swimming—Golf and tennis Sight-seeing airplane and hydroplane trips—Monster barbecue and clam bake—Horseback-riding and hiking.

Long Beach (Calif.) Lodge, No. 888, which will be host to the delegates and visitors, is laying plans to assure one of the most enjoyable meetings ever held by the Association.

Salem (Ore.) Lodge Will Build New Home
Salem (Ore.) Lodge, No. 336, is arranging to erect a new Home in the near future. Plans are being drawn up for a modem structure that will cost in the neighborhood of $150,000.

Many Lodges Join to Honor District Deputy Donovan
Over 100 members of North Adams (Mass.) Lodge, No. 487, recently visited Adams (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1335, on the occasion of District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Dr. John E. Donovan's official visitation to his home Lodge. An excellent program of entertainment was presented, and members from Natick, Milford, Springfield, Northampton and Greenfield Lodges came to do honor to Dr. Donovan.

Phoenix (Ariz.) Lodge Plans Building New Home Soon
Phoenix (Ariz.) Lodge, No. 335, is working out plans for building a new Home on property already owned by the Lodge at Second Avenue and Adams Street. It will be a two-story structure and will embody every convenience for the comfort of the members. The damage recently done by fire to the present Home has been repaired, and meetings will be held there until the new building is ready.

District Deputy Blue Compliments Eufaula (Ala.) Lodge
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Harvey M. Blue recently paid his official visit to Eufaula (Ala.) Lodge, No. 912, where he spoke highly of the enterprise and achievements of the members. The meeting was preceded by a reception and dinner, at which the District Deputy was the guest of honor.

New Home of Fargo (N. Dak.) Lodge Going Up Rapidly
The new Home of Fargo (N. Dak.) Lodge, No. 260, now in course of construction, will have among other features a large gymnasium, handball courts, bowling alleys, one of the best equipped lodge-rooms and ballrooms m the northwest, and an up-to-date roof-garden. The membership is already contemplating plans to celebrate the formal dedication, which will take place in the early fall.

Good Library a Feature of Bay City (Mich.) Lodge
Substantial gifts have been recently made to the library of Bay City (Mich.) Lodge No. 88, so that the members now have available for their use a large number of interesting and helpful books. A special book-plate has been designed, in which are noted the names of the donors.

Montclair (N. J.) Lodge Building Handsome New Home
Montclair (N. J.) Lodge, No. 891, is going ahead with the construction of its handsome new Home, which will be a three-story brick structure of colonial design. Some of the features of the building will be the bowling-alleys, the large auditorium with a stage and dressing-rooms, and the exceptionally fine lodge-room.

New Jersey State Elks Association Holds Quarterly Meeting
A very profitable quarterly meeting was recently held by officers of the New Jersey State Elks Association and delegates from various Lodges at Bloomfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 788. The report of the State Chairman of the Crippled Kiddies Committee was read and discussed, and the question of redistricting the Lodge jurisdictions in New Jersey was also a topic considered by the representatives. After the meeting a dinner was served to the visitors in the large auditorium of the new building of Bloomfield Lodge.

Beaumont (Texas) Lodge Goes Ahead With New Home
Beaumont (Texas) Lodge, No. 311, has completed the financial and structural plans for its new Home, so that definite work on its construction is expected at an early date. The new building will be one of the finest in the State and will represent an investment of over $120,000.

Atlanta (Ga.) Lodge Gives Chanty Entertainment at Fort McPherson
Atlanta (Ga.) Lodge, No. 78, recently staged a charity entertainment for the Ladies' Chapel Guild in the Post theatre at Fort McPherson. Practically the entire company of the 1923 Elks Revue was on hand, and, with a few minor changes, gave the same show that scored such a big hit in Atlanta last December. Despite the inclement weather, an audience of nearly 1,000 was present to enjoy the show.

Wynne (Ark.) Lodge Initiates Class at Harrisburg
Members of Wynne (Ark.) Lodge, No. 1369, recently chartered a special train to Harrisburg, Ark., where they initiated a large class of candidates. A parade was organized, and following the ceremony a banquet was tendered the visitors by the new members, closing a most enjoyable day. special dispensation was granted by the Grand Exalted Ruler to allow the initiation at Harrisburg.

Member of New Orleans (La.) Lodge Gives Chimes to State University
Edward G. Schlieder, a prominent member of New Orleans (La.) Lodge, No. 30, recently presented the Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge with a beautiful set of chimes. The chimes, which will be placed in a memorial tower on the campus of the University are eighteen in number and are said to be the largest in the world. Mr. Schlieder was assisted in the selection of the chimes by Governor John M. Parker, who is also a member of New Orleans Lodge.

Holyoke (Mass.) Lodge Makes Handsome Gift to New Lodge
When Westfield (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1481, was recently instituted, Holyoke (Mass.) Lodge, No. 902, whose jurisdiction had included Westfield, suffered a loss of 135 of its members. Instead of being dissatisfied, Holyoke Lodge gave every assistance possible in obtaining the dispensation and on the night of the institution of Westfield Lodge presented it with a gift of $1,000 to show its friendly spirit.

Freehold (N. J.) Lodge Winner of Ritualistic Contest
In the New Jersey Ritualistic contest recently held at Elizabeth (N. J.) Lodge, No. 289, Free hold (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1454, again won the highest honors, giving it two plates on the Hackensack tablet. It is necessary to win three years in succession to keep the tablet permanently. Freehold Lodge won its first victory last year when it had only been instituted nine months. Following are the percentages of the contesting teams: Freehold Lodge, 98.35; Rutherford Lodge, No. 547, 98.24; East Orange Lodge, No. 630, 98.20; Dover Lodge, No. 782, 97.45.

News of the Order From Far and Near
Under special dispensation Wenatchee (Wash.) Lodge initiated 120 candidates at Okanogan, Wash. Officers and members of Wenatchee Lodge made the trip to and from Okanogan in a special train, and were royally entertained in their neighboring city. Eveleth (Minn.) Lodge has dedicated its new $100,000 building. Decatur (HI.) Lodge, which has trebled its membership in the past three years, initiated j a class of approximately four hundred in April. South Brownsville (Pa.) Lodge recently held a gigantic indoor circus in its new building. The annual golf tournament recently conducted by Sacramento Calif.) Lodge drew out some excellent players. Many prizes were awarded; General Clarence Edwards was the guest of honor at a "Military Night" recently celebrated by Waltham (Mass.) Lodge. Willimantic (Conn.) Lodge celebrated its Tenth Anniversary with a banquet and entertainment. The officers and degree team of Battle Creek (Mich.) Lodge recently journeyed to Grand Rapids (Mich.) Lodge where they initiated a large class of candidates, winning high praise for their work from the members. A Life Membership testimonial banquet in honor of twenty-seven members was recently given by Wilkinsburg (Pa.) Lodge. Port Angeles "Naval" (Wash.) Lodge, though owning a fine building, is contemplating the erection of a $200,000 Home. The Annual Minstrel Show put on by Chippewa Falls (Wis.) Lodge ran to packed houses each night and was a financial success. Bellingham (Wash.) Lodge has inaugurated a movement for the erection of a public Rest Room in that city. Dodge City (Kans.) Lodge is planning to purchase a new Home. Moline (Ill.) Lodge has completed the sale of $200,000 in bonds for its new Home. Ballard (Wash.) Lodge recently held a carnival for the benefit of its band which will give a series of open-air concerts this summer. Roanoke (Va.) Lodge is considering plans to enlarge its building. As a result of the success of its recent festival McKeesport (Pa.) Lodge was enabled to pay off on its mortgage debt the handsome sum of $11,000. A large number of new members were added to the roster of Butte (Mont.) Lodge as a result of its successful invitational membership campaign. Arlington (Mass.) Lodge recently entertained the boys at the West Roxbury Veterans' Hospital. Canonsburg (Pa.) Lodge is la3ang plans for a new Home. The Drill Team of Des Moines (Iowa) Lodge conducted the initiation of a large class of candidates for Waterloo (Iowa) Lodge. A large smoker, for which twenty professional entertainers were engaged, was recently held by Lansford (Pa.) Lodge. Cabaret acts and the Elks Little Symphony Orchestra were among the features on the pro gram of the Frolic recently conducted by Lewiston (Me.) Lodge. Enlarging its work among the disabled World War Veterans, Louisville (Ky.) Lodge recently visited the U. S. Marine Hospital and the Daw- son Springs Hospital, where entertainments were given the disabled soldiers. Officers of the Maryland State Elks Association recently held a business meeting at Hagerstown, Md., after which they attended a meeting of Hagerstown Lodge. The Charity Ball of Pawtucket (R. I.) Lodge was the most successful event socially and financially that has been held under the auspices of the Lodge for some time. The Elks Band of Wenatchee (Wash.) Lodge gave their annual concert at the Liberty Theatre before a large house. San Francisco (Calif.) Lodge recently entertained the Athletic Team of the city's police department. Exalted Rulers, Secretaries and Past Exalted Rulers of Lodges in Central District Association of Pennsylvania recently held a meeting at Connellsville (Pa.) Lodge. This meeting also ser\'ed as a District meeting such as was held last fall at Latrobe (Pa.) Lodge. The meeting was called by District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler George D. Albert. The Annual Minstrel Show helped to swell, the charity fund of San Antonio (Texas) Lodge. A large charity costume party was held by Chelsea (Mass.) Lodge in the State Armory. Peekskill (N. Y.) Lodge is considering the purchase of property adjoining its present Home. Over 1,000 attended the Nineteenth Annual Assembly of Shenandoah (Pa.) Lodge. Fine music and other features were on the program of the large dance recently given by members of Hoquiam (Wash.) Lodge. The Swanee River Quartet was one of the features of an entertainment recently given by Franklin (N. H.) Lodge. The anniversary dinner of Bloomsburg (Pa.) Lodge commemorating the purchase of its present Home was one of the most enjoyable events ever conducted by the Lodge. More than 350 were seated at the tables. The Minstrel and Musical Revue produced by Braddock (Pa.) Lodge for two evenings in Carnegie Hall was an unparalleled success and more money was realized for the Lodge treasury from this entertainment than from any show ever given by the Lodge. A sea-food dinner, followed by the initiation of a large class of candidates, was one of the most enjoyable affairs ever given under the auspices of Newark (Ohio) Lodge. Returning a previous visit, officers of Prince ton (Ill.) Lodge recently came to Mendota (Ill.) Lodge where they initiated a large class of candidates. A reception to the visitors followed the ceremony. Meadville (Pa.) Lodge is considering a plan to promote and finance a troop of Boy Scouts. Celebrating a successful Lodge year, members of Ontario (Calif.) Lodge staged a lively stag party. Pottstown (Pa.) Lodge will build an addition to its present Home. The saxophone band recently organized by Norristown (Pa.) has already achieved an enviable reputation. Members of Walla Walla (Wash) Lodge are acting as coaches to the ball team of the various local schools. A large reception was given District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John J. Emerick on the occasion of his official visit to Newport (Ky.) Lodge. Cohoes (N. Y.) Lodge has donated a sum of money to the Troy Council (which includes Co hoes) of the Boy Scouts. Bristol (Pa.) Lodge is making many improvements on its Home. The annual banquet given by Dixon (Ill.) Lodge was one of the best attended social events of the Lodge's calendar. Ashland (Ore.) Lodge celebrated its nineteenth anniversary with a program of music and a banquet. Fort Worth (Tex.) Lodge recently conducted a successful Fun Fest and Charity Frolic. Omaha (Neb.) Lodge expects to dedicate its magnificent new building about May 1. Lawrence (Kans.) Lodge put on an Elks Dixie Minstrel Show for the benefit of its Charity. Fund. North Adams (Mass.) Lodge will celebrate its Silver Anniversary on May 9. One of the features of the occasion will be the presence of all the original officers of the Lodge. Mount Vernon (N. Y.) Lodge has formed a new Degree Team. McKeesport (Pa.) Lodge recently conducted a public Charity Hall and a prize Euchre, which netted a goodly sum for welfare purposes. Six star vaudeville acts and special music were some of the features of the Beefsteak Dinnerrecently enjoyed by members of Vonkers (X. Y.) Ix)dge. The membership of Salt Lake City (Utah) Lodge \vill soon pass the 4000 mark. Union Hill Lodge expects to occupy its magnificent new Home about the first of June. Lewston (Idaho) Lodge is working on plans to build a new Home. Ogdensburg (N". Y.) Lodge staged one of the best amateur shows ever seen in Xorthern New York. The officers of Asbury Park (N. J.) Lodge recently visited Freehold (N. J.) Lodge where they conferred the degree on a class of candidates. The entertainment committee of Milton (Pa.) Lodge recently staged a most successful smoker and show. Ketchikan (Alaska) Lodge has organized a Glee Club. Rare fun was had by the many members of Newark (N. J.) Lodge who attended the smoker recently given on Proctor's Hoof by the Lodge's theatre committee. Many top-notch vaudeville acts were on the program. The "Indoor Kermiss" put on by Minneapolis (Minn.) Lodge drew large crowds, and added a nice sum to the Treasury of he Lodge. Bronx (N. Y.) Lodge showed its appreciation of the work of retiring Exalted Ruler Arthur E. Kelly by voting him an honorary life membership and by presenting him with a jewel-studded gold card case. Plans have been completed by White Plaints (N. Y.) Lodge for a new Home, and work is about to proceed on the structure. A novel entertainment, ending with a large dance, followed the laying of the cornerstone of the new addition to the Home of Rochester (N. Y.) Lodge. The membership of Rahway (N. J.) Lodge is now close to the 1000 mark. The new Home of Allentown (Pa.) Lodge is rapidly nearing completion Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Lodge is backing a troop of Boy Scouts. Baltimore (Md.) Lodge won the ritualistic contest for the silver cup donated by Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler James L. Ward. The recent initiation of a large class of candidates carried the membership of McCook (Neb.) Lodge over 500. The 1924 Minstrel Show put on by Hacksensack (N. J.) Lodge ran for three nights at the Lyric Theatre, where it was warmly received by packed houses. Special features and midnight suppers enliven the dancing parties given by Jamestown (N. Dak.) Lodge. The orphans and poor children of the city were admitted free to a special matinee for their bene fit at the circus put on by Montgomery (.Ala.) Lodge. Pontiac (Mich.) Lodge is going ahead with plans for building a new Home. The Dalles (Ore.) Lodge has donated a sum of money to the Boy Scouts to be used in maintaining a summer camp. The Glee Club of New York (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1, recently gave a "Harrigan and Hart" entertainment at which the songs of old New York were sung before a large gathering of the members. Marshfield (Ore.) Lodge is proud of the success of its recent adventure into theatricals. Over $1,100 was realized by the Lodge from its pro duction of "The Sultan of Sulu." The monthly "get-together" dinners being given by Little Rock (.Ark.) Lodge are proving a great success. Over 1000 attended the Dutch party recently given by Harrisburg (Pa.) Lodge. Representatives from many Lodges in the region were on hand for the fun. The work of the Hoosier State Motor Association was endorsed at a recent meeting of LaFayette (Ind.) Lodge and a membership in the Association taken out. Maps, road information, etc., provided by the Association, will be posted in the club-rooms for the benefit of traveling members. The entire proceeds of the Auto-Fashion Show conducted by New Orleans (La.) Lodge were given to the Child Welfare Association. Augusta (Ga.) Lodge presented a successful Elks Minstrel Show. At present the Lodge is preparing plans for the reception and entertainment of delegates to the Georgia State Elks Association, which meets in that city in May. Those members of New York (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1, who are Theatrical Mechanics, recently held a special session in the club-rooms, where they presented a fine bill of entertainment. St. Louis (Mo.) Lodge recently held its Annual Kids' Party for Grown-Ups which was a source of much merriment for the members. Nearly $3,000 was realized by Nutley (N. J.) Lodge from its recent Elks Bazaar. When fire recently damaged the local Epis copal Church, the members held a portion of their services in the lodge-room of Mason City (Iowa) Lodge. Over 150 performers from Detroit theatres recently entertained the members of Detroit (Mich.) Lodge and their families. District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler F. G. Cluett recently spoke from the Omaha, Neb., Radio Station on "The Teachings and the Ideals of the Order." The band of Norwalk (Conn.) Lodge will play a conspicuous part in the Serenade Minstrels and Musical Comedy to be put on by the members, May 5-6. San Mateo (Calif.) Lodge recently held its annual banquet. A list of distinguished speakers and a fine entertainment made the event a notable one. Clinton (Iowa) Lodge recently dedicated its new Home. The Boy Scout Troop sponsored by Casper (Wyo.) Lodge recently gave an exhibition before the members, embracing the many features of their every-day training, such as fire-lighting without matches, first aid, splint-work, bandaging and signaling. The most successful banquet ever given by Sault Ste. Marie (Mich.) Lodge was served to about 200 local and visiting members who gathered to participate in the annual affair. I District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Herbert C. Jussen of Ironwood (Mich.) Lodge was the guest of honor. Port Jervis (N. Y.) Lodge recently conducted a handicap billiard tournament which created great interest throughout the district. John Daley, the winner of the tournament, challenges all comers to a game at the Home of Port Jer\'is Lodge. The secretary of Niagara Falls (N. Y.) Lodge will be glad to receive any information as to the whereabouts of Peter V. Keller, a member of the Lodge, who disappeared from his home on March 9. Kearny (N. J,) Lodge arranged an impressive reception for George L. Hirtzel, Jr., President of the New Jersey State Elks Association, who recently visited the Lodge. Tacoma (Wash.) Lodge held a largely attended annual banquet. The officers and drill team of Dixon (Ill.) Lodge recently initiated a class of 100 candidates for Aurora (Ill.) Lodge. Bellingham (Wash.) Lodge is making great preparation for the entertainment of delegates and visitors who will attend the Convention of the Washington State Elks Association on July 28-30. Many distinguished members of the Order attended the ground-breaking for the new Home of Irvington (N. J.) Lodge. Streator (III.) Lodge won the silver loving-cup in the recent tournament of the La Salle County Bowling League. Gary (Ind.) Lodge recently laid the cornerstone of its new Home. Ballard (Wash.) Lodge celebrated the closing of a prosperous Lodge year by retiring a large block of its building bonds and by initiating the largest class of candidates of the year. A fine vaudeville entertainment also marked the evening. Officers and second-degree team of Rahway (N. J.) Lodge recently visited Lakewood (N. J.) where they initiated a class of candidates and were pleasantly entertained by their hosts. The band of Sacramento (Calif.) Lodge recently entertained the patients of the Wiemar Tubercular Sanitarium with a concert, after which the minstrels gave a special performance.