Vicksburg, MS 0095

Lodge News


    Todd Downey's ER Message & Meetings Greetings Fellow Elks, I would like to thank Richard Price, Dusty McCain & Jacques Parmegiani for the wonderful meals on Thursday nights. A special thank you to Dusty for cooking the Valentine’s Day meal. If anyone is interested in cooking on Thursday nights, please get with Dusty and sign up. In case you haven't heard, our Mardi Gras float, won Best Civic Club entry. A BIG congratulations to Fran & Josie! Thank you for putting all of it together and to all the people who came out to decorate and who rode the float. Reminder that the Lodge Dues are due by March 31st . Membership dues are $140.00 and the pool dues are an additional $150.00. At our Wednesday Feb 9th meeting, the PERs announced their recommendations for officers for the 2022-2023 year. The floor was open for nomination but no other nominations were made. The PER’s recommendations were accepted and approved. The Lodge officers for the 2022 – 2023 year are as follows: ER- Dusty McCain Leading Knight – Donnie Whitehead Loyal Knight – John Frazier Lecturing Knight – Doug King Secretary – Fran Alexander Treasurer – Jeff Crevitt 5 year Trustee – Todd Downey 4 year Trustee – Tanis Hale 3 year Trustee – Marty Crevitt 2 year Trustee – Jug Jones 1 year Trustee – Dan Jackson This is my final newsletter. The year has been hard at times but also rewarding. I would like to thank all the officers for their support. The kitchen came out looking top notch and a big THANK YOU to Bubba & Melanie McNeil for the donation for the kitchen renovations. The Lodge runs because of all the volunteers so I would like to thank the bartenders, cooks, Donnie & his pool crew for taking so much of their time to keep everything rolling. It has truly been an honor to serve as ER this year, and it is an honor to be an Elk. The time has come to step aside and for the new ER, Dusty McCain, to step in and take us into a new year. Yours in Elkdom, Todd Downey Exalted Ruler, 2021-2022 Meetings: 3/2 Governing Board & Trustee 6:30 3/9 & 3/23 Regular Business Meeting 7:00