Northglenn, CO 2438

Lodge Facilities


Lodge Meetings:

Our Lodge meetings are held on the First and Third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm.

Initiation will be the first meeting of each month and balloting will be the second meeting of each month unless otherwise specified by the Exalted Ruler.

Club room

Club Room

Sunday: Noon until 8:00p.m.

Mon thru Thur: 2:00p.m. until 10:00p.m.

Fri and Sat: Noon until 11:00p.m.

* Open until 2:00 a.m. for Lodge events

We are a friendly Lodge and we welcome all visitors. See you at the Lodge!!

Visit our Web Site


Our Kitchen is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights for Dinner.

Please see our banner or visit us on Facebook for more information.

Weekly Specials. Please call the Lodge or see the Banner for menu.

The Banner can be found on our website or please call  303452-1644

RV Parking Available

RV parking is available with Electrical Hookup.

We ask for a $20.00 per night donation to pay for upkeep and electricity.

Please call in  Tom Chambers or Bill McClintock for more information 303-452-1644


Northglenn Elks Lodge

The Northglenn Elks Lodge is a Lodge in the B.P.O.Elks and subject to all Grand Lodge Statutes and Rules.

You must be a member in good standing of the B.P.O.Elks or a guest of a member to use this facility. The Lounge and Dining Room are under the control of the Trustee's and subject to current House rules. A copy of the House Rules is available in the Lounge and all members should be familiar with them.

Return to Lodge page

for more information about our Lodge or our membership, go to our home page and e-mail me.

See you at the Lodge!