Each Friday, the Bingo Hall opens at 5:00 PM, with Bingo starting at 6:15 PM Our kitchen is open on Bingo nights, with delicious food specials and grill cooking available. The Bingo Hall is also available for rental, all nights except Fridays. The hall will seat up to 300 people. Current rental rates for the Bingo Hall are $300.00 for 4 hrs for non-members and $250.00 for 4 hrs for members. Please contact the lodge at 827-8499 and leave a message with our bartender or on our answering service for more info and open dates for the Hall. Bartenders priced by amount of people. $50/ bartender up to 75 people. $75 over 75 (Bartender and Bar back.) Over 150 people, $100. (2 Bartenders)
The Downstairs Hall will seat up to 150 people. Current rental rates for the Downstairs Hall are $250.00 for 4hrs for non-members and $200.00 for 4hrs for members. The Downstairs Hall is also available for functions that do not require a bartender for $75.00 per hour. Please contact the lodge at 827-8499 and leave a message with our bartender or on our answering service for more information and open dates for the Downstairs Hall.
The Members Lounge is Now Smoke-Free. The Member Lounge offers a place for Lodge members to come relax and enjoy the company of their Lodge brothers. The Member Lounge is open to members and their guests, as well as visiting members from other Lodges. Please come join us for fun and relaxation!