Old Town, ME 1287

Old Town, ME Lodge No. 1287

Welcome to BPOE 1287, located in Old Town, Maine!

37 Fourth St.

Old Town, ME  04468

Telephone: (207)827-8498 (Lodge)

Telephone: (207)827-8499 (Office)

E-mail: otsecy1287@gmail.com

Webmaster: jbosse10@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Old-Town-Elks-Lodge-1287-1699172950351699/


Lodge meetings are held the first & third Tuesdays of each month at 7PM.

Members are encouraged to attend scheduled Lodge Meetings for voting upon applications, reinstatements, & affiliations.

Winter is upon us. Time to start planning those parties or maybe bridal or baby showers, maybe that business meeting.  Rent our upstairs or downstairs halls!

NOTE:  For all Hall Rentals; Contact Deb Mitchell

Rental Coordinator (207-385-6244) mitchell@maine.edu

Check out our calendar for Upcomming Events & Fundraisers

COME VISIT US: From exit 197 of I-95, travel southeast into Old Town, turn left at the Knights of Columbus hall.