Valdosta, GA 728

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Christina Corbin (Michael E.)

Leading Knight
Michael E. Corbin (Christina)

Loyal Knight
Yvonne Lynn Wyche (James Michael)

Lecturing Knight
Sandi Prine

Clifford Arden (Judy)

Board of Directors C - Board of Directors Chair
Yvonne Lynn Wyche (James Michael)

Trustee - One Year
Rex Etheridge Sr

Trustee - Two Year
Robert C. Parrish

Trustee - Three Year
Larry Pope (Ana)

Trustee - Four Year
Royden Hunnewell (Kathi)

Trustee - Five Year
Katherine Altman

Charles Wendell Spells

James Michael Wyche (Yvonne)

Jack L. Priddy (Cindy Priddy)

Inner Guard
Gary Lloyd Bennett (Joanne)

Presiding Justice
Rick Corbett

Alternate Rep to GL
Clifford Arden (Judy)

Chairperson - Auditing & Accounting Committee
Lisa Hayden

Chairperson - Hoop Shoot® Subcommittee
Donald Sullins

Chairperson - Fraternal Committee
Mike Johnson (Deborah)

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Clifford Arden (Judy)

Chairperson - Flag Day Subcommittee
Michael E. Corbin (Christina)

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
Sandi Prine

Chairperson - Veterans Services Subcommittee
Yvonne Lynn Wyche (James Michael)

Chairperson - Accident Prevention Subcommittee
Buddy Marinell

Chairperson - PER Association
Larry Pope (Ana)

Chairperson - Standing Relief Subcommittee
Michael E. Corbin (Christina)

Chairperson - Public Relations
Yvonne Lynn Wyche (James Michael)

Chairperson - Ritualistic Subcommittee
Rick Corbett

Chairperson - Government Relations Subcommittee
Bruce Hayden

Chairperson - State Major Project Subcommittee
Mike Johnson (Deborah)

Chairperson - Board of Directors
Yvonne Lynn Wyche (James Michael)

Chairperson - Scholarships
Bruce Hayden