Yucca Valley, CA 2314

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Robert M. Lee
Cell: (408) 230-4463
Email: Rleebuddha@netzero.com

Leading Knight
Shane Wilcox

Loyal Knight
Kipp Davis

Michelle Gulledge

Michelle Farris Roberts

Board of Directors C - Board of Directors Chair
Robert A. Simendich

Trustee - Two Year
Dave E. Leach

Trustee - Three Year
Robert A. Simendich

William Vito Lindley

Peggy Machree Quaker

Inner Guard
Judy Smith

Alternate Rep to GL
Darrell Rogers
Home: (760) 821-3211
Email: rogersdink5858@gmail.com

Chairperson - Youth Activities Subcommittee
Laura L. Mayo

Chairperson - Hoop Shoot® Subcommittee
Michelle Gulledge

Chairperson - Drug Awareness Subcommittee
Michelle Farris Roberts

Chairperson - Fraternal Committee
William Vito Lindley

Chairperson - Americanism Subcommittee
William Vito Lindley

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Michelle Gulledge

Chairperson - Flag Day Subcommittee
William Vito Lindley

Chairperson - Elks Memorial Day Subcommittee
Elton G. Howard

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
Michelle Gulledge

Chairperson - Veterans Services Subcommittee
William Vito Lindley

Chairperson - Accident Prevention Subcommittee
Shane Wilcox

Chairperson - PER Association
Hector Villapudua

Chairperson - Standing Relief Subcommittee
Robert M. Lee
Cell: (408) 230-4463
Email: Rleebuddha@netzero.com

Chairperson - Public Relations
Jacob A. Smith

Chairperson - Ritualistic Subcommittee
Helen Ward

Chairperson - Soccer Shoot® Subcommittee
Jacob A. Smith

Chairperson - Board of Trustees
Robert A. Simendich

Chairperson - Elk of the Year
Robert M. Lee
Cell: (408) 230-4463
Email: Rleebuddha@netzero.com

Chairperson - Lodge Bulletin
Michelle Gulledge

Chairperson - Scholarships
Sandra Smith

Chairperson - Kids Christmas
Laura L. Mayo

Chairperson - Scholarship
Sandra Smith

Chairperson - Investigation
Nancy Simendich

Chairperson - Rental Coordinator
Dave E. Leach