Salisbury, MD 0817

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
John D. McIntyre

Leading Knight
Shelley Lynn Smith

Loyal Knight
Robert Keith Hurley, Jr.

Lecturing Knight
Paula Jean Smith

William Kummer, Jr.

Inga Almond Hogue

Trustee Chair
Erin W. Smith

Board of Directors C - Board of Directors Chair
John D. McIntyre

Trustee - Two Year
Erin W. Smith

Trustee - Four Year
Clifford Shahan

Trustee - Five Year
Dwight W. Marshall, Jr.

James Thomas Ozman Landon

Christopher J. Cuppett

Phillip T. Patterson

Inner Guard
Charles Causey

Alternate Rep to GL
Gilbert Dunn

Chairperson - Community Project & Activities Subcommittee
Robert D. Hussey

Chairperson - Youth Activities Subcommittee
Phillip T. Patterson

Chairperson - Hoop Shoot® Subcommittee
Phillip T. Patterson

Chairperson - Americanism Subcommittee
Shelley Lynn Smith

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Raymond Tony Hilligoss

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Robert K. Hurley Sr

Chairperson - Flag Day Subcommittee
Shelley Lynn Smith

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
Gilbert Dunn

Chairperson - Lodge Activities Subcommittee
John D. McIntyre

Chairperson - Veterans Services Subcommittee
Jan Marie Phipps

Chairperson - Public Relations
Dwight W. Marshall, Jr.

Chairperson - Soccer Shoot® Subcommittee
Phillip T. Patterson

Chairperson - State Major Project Subcommittee
Beth Wyatt

Chairperson - ENF Scholar Coordina
Raymond Tony Hilligoss

Chairperson - Scholarship Coordina
Raymond Tony Hilligoss

Chairperson - Budget Committee
Inga Almond Hogue

Chairperson - Charity Committee
Susan D. Kummer, USN (Ret.)