Check out what has been going on! April-June 2021-2022
Your Invited to join us June 14th for the History of our United States Flag!
Jan-March 2020-2021 News Letter, Closing out the Year!
Thanks to the Building Committee for all your hard work!
October-December 2020
Get your Lodge News Here!
Secretary Position Is Open!
Scholarship Committee Reports!
Message from your Exalted Ruler for April.
Check out whats Available!
February 11th, 2020 Lodge Meeting open Officer Nominations.
RSVP By February 7th, 2020
Hoop Shoot 2019-2020 is Here!
Walla Walla Elks Lodge #287 is looking to the Future. Our New Home is in the works!
A Christmas Celebration for our Outstanding Members. Santa arrives at 7pm!
Important News!
Walla Walla Elks Presents Gratitude Grant to Blue Mountain Therapeutic Riders!
Walla Walla 5th Annual Stand Down!
Honoring Our Veterans!
Positions Available!
September/August 2019