The Opening Speech of the New Milwaukie Portland Lodge 142
From our Esteemed Leading Knight
Those scouts who want an United States flag that has been flown over the US capitol as part of their Eagle Scout ceremony please fill out the attached form and send to Emma Pletz (email on form). Thank you.
The Oregon State Elks Association has Vocational Grants available to anyone, no matter age or schooling, that would like to continue or pursue a 2-year vocational training course. The grant is for $1500 and there are seven available statewide. One grant will be awarded for every seven submitted so chances are better than most grants. The deadline for submitting is March 31, 2017 and must be turned in to an Elks Lodge in order to be eligible. The link for the grant is in a pdf writable format. It can not be saved so make sure you have all your information ready before filling it out. If you have any questions, you can contact Scholarship chairman, Emma Pletz, at
After 9 years, the haunted house at the Elks has closed its doors.