Florence, OR 1858

Lodge Facilities

Florence Elks Lodge #1858

Florence Elks Lodge #1858 has many great activities for you to enjoy!

First Sunday of the Month, Cafe #1858, Breakfast 8:30-10:30AM.

Mondays - Card Games 2:00-5:00PM.

Tuesdays - Bingo 3:30-7:00PM Doors open at 2:30PM.  No papers sold after 3:15PM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, bring a friend! 

Tuesdays - Vets' Café 4:30-6:00PM, Shuffleboard 3:30PM.

Wednesdays - We have Queen of Hearts and a weekly dinner special 5:00-6:00PM. 

Thursday - Lodge Meeting @ 7:00PM Please join us.

Friday Night Dining is a full-service dinner 5:00-6:30PM, followed by LIVE MUSIC 7:00-10:00PM.  Friday Night Dinner Reservations are required before 2PM on Friday.

Visit florenceelks.com for Friday Dining reservations, menus & other Lodge activities. (Friday Dinner reservations can also be made by calling (541) 997-2610 Ext. 4 after 11:30AM).

Florence Elks Lodge #1858, always welcomes our fellow Elks visitors!


The Share Shop - Florence Elks Thrift Store

OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10AM-3PM. LOTS OF NEW ITEMS DAILY! 1686 12th Street, Florence, OR ( the south side of our Lodge.)

Lodge Gym

The FLORENCE ELKS LODGE GYM is open for Elks members & their guests Monday thru Saturday 7:00AM-7:00PM. Sunday 12:00 noon until the Lodge closes. Showers are available.

Come & work it out!!!