Bradenton, FL 1511

Lodge Facilities


Offical hours are 10AM to 3 PM Monday thru Wednesday, but you will find our secretary there a lot longer and more often than that. If in doubt , call 941 792 1511.


Stop in anytime at our large, comfortable, full service lounge. Normal hours are 11am to 11pm Monday thru Thursday; 11am to 1am Friday & Saturday. The bar will close during the period of the Lodge meetings(2nd and 4th Monday). The bar will re-open at the completion of the meeting. On Fri. and Sat. evenings we have live music for your listening and dancing enjoyment. Look for weekly specials on your favorite beverages. Bar Specials Tuesday & Thursday from 2pm to 5pm.

Tiki Bar

The Tiki Bar (poolside) is open:

Fridays 6:00 pm till ? Saturday & Sunday 1:00 pm till ?

Six sports TVs


Tuesdays: Bar Bingo 6:30pm * Wednesdays: Karaoke 6:30pm * Thursdays: Team Trivia 7:pm Fridays & Saturdays: Live music check calendar for details * Ye Olde Chicken Cookout second Sunday of each month Live music – check calendar * Check the Newsletter or web page for other events being held by Our Lodge Activities Committee.

Bradenton Elks Lodge Restaurant

Our Restaurant is open Tuesday thru Saturday from 11am to 10pm. Sundays from 9am to 2pm. You can view the menu by clicking the dining room button on the left side of the screen.

Swimming Pool

Swimming pool is available.

Horse Shoe Pit

Horseshoe pit has been totally renovated and is available for your pleasure. It's out by the pool.

Pool Tables

A regulation Pool Table is available in the lounge.


The official Ladies Auxiliary of the Lodge. Its aims and purposes remain consistent with those of the Lodge and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

Picnic Area/ Chicken Cookout

Our famous "Ye Olde Chicken Cookout" is held every month on the second Sunday. It begins at 4PM,and features one-half chicken , slaw, beans, and corn on the cob. All that and music for your entertainment for only $6.00 per person. Takeouts are available.All member volunteers do the cooking which is done poolside and the tiki bar is open.

Directions To Lodge

From I 75 or U.S. 41 go west on State route 64 (Manatee Ave. ) to 75th St. W. Turn South (left),and proceed approximately 2 miles (Go past the 18th Ave.light). The Lodge is located on the east(left) side of the road. Or follow State Route 70 west til it turns north ,becoming 75 th Street W. Follow it past Cortez and the 28th Ave. light. The lodge is on the right.

Table Shuffleboard

Table shuffleboard available in the lounge.

Pin Board

We now have a pin board in the lounge. Check it out next time you are in the Lodge. It's filling up fast with pins from visiting Elks. Only Lily has more pins than our pinboard !