Bellefonte, PA 1094

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Theresa M. Michel

Loyal Knight
Evan Edwards

Edward S. Evock

Trustee Chair
Cathy N. Hoffman

Trustee - One Year
Cathy N. Hoffman

Trustee - Three Year
Patrick W. Corbett, Jr.

Trustee - Four Year
Elizabeth Toukonen

Trustee - Five Year
Dale Moore

Inner Guard
Janice E. Watson

Presiding Justice
William G. Tressler

Alternate Rep to GL
Raymond Holsing

Chairperson - Activities Committee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Community Project & Activities Subcommittee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Youth Activities Subcommittee
Evan Edwards

Chairperson - Hoop Shoot® Subcommittee
Evan Edwards

Chairperson - Fraternal Committee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Americanism Subcommittee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Elks Memorial Day Subcommittee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Standing Relief Subcommittee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Soccer Shoot® Subcommittee
Evan Edwards

Chairperson - State Major Project Subcommittee
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Scholarships
Theresa M. Michel

Chairperson - Elk of the Year
Theresa M. Michel