*** NEWS *** Elks Lodge 2510 History and other information is available at our new website Los Banos Elks Lodge No 2510 WELCOME TO LOS BANOS ELKS LODGE NO. 2510 INSTITUTED MARCH 15, 1975 The "Blackhat Lodge" at the "Center of California Elkdom" GOOD OF THE ORDER MEETINGS: The 1st Tuesday of every month @ 7pm REGULAR LODGE MEETINGS: The 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 7PM
EXCEPT the months of February, March and April when meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays @ 7PM
LODGE ADDRESS: 565 "E" Street Los Banos CA. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 807, Los Banos, CA 93635
EMAIL: bpoe2510@gmail.com or call us (209) 826-2282
MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT Lounge opens @ 5:00 PM. The lodge is open for all members and their guests. OUR MISSION is to instill the principles of CHARITY, JUSTICE, BROTHERLY LOVE and FIDELITY. To recognize a BELIEF IN GOD while promoting the WELFARE and HAPPINESS of its MEMBERS through GOOD FELLOWSHIP. To quicken the SPIRIT OF AMERICAN PATRIOTISM. To perpetuate itself as a FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION and to PROVIDE charitable acts to the LOCAL COMMUNITIES. The BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS OF THE UNITED STATES will ALWAYS serve the people and communities through its benevolent programs which demonstrates its motto: "ELKS CARE AND ELKS SHARE"