Salida, CO 0808

Salida, CO Lodge No. 0808

Welcome to BPOE Salida Lodge 808's VHP.  Also find us on Facebook Salida Elks Lodge 808

Club Hours are 4 pm to Close Monday through Thursday.  Open at 2 pm on Friday & Saturdays!

Club open on Sundays 11 am to 6 pm!! 

if you have a group and you might be a little late call the Bar Steward 719- 539-6976


The Secretary's office is open by appointment or when the Secretary is in, as hours vary. You can call 719-539-6976 and leave a message or email and we will return your call within 72 hours or as soon as possible.

If you need to pay your dues you can send by mail or pay with the bar steward- cash, check or credit card during business hours.

Lodge meets at 7:00 pm on the second & fourth Tuesday each month, except June, July, Aug, and December when we meet at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday only.

Meeting Directions: One Block South of Hwy 291 at the corner of 2nd & E Streets Salida CO

Have your next party at the Elks Lodge Full facilities; for information contact John Sanchez the Club Manager call - 719.539.6976