Louisville, KY 0008

Louisville, KY Lodge No. 0008

Louisville Lodge # 8


Lodge Meetings:

Lodge Meetings are held the first (1st) and third (3rd) Monday of each month @ 7:30 pm, with the exception of July and August which are only held on the 3rd Monday, and December which is only held on the 1st Monday.  Should the scheduled Lodge Meeting fall on a holiday the Lodge Meeting will be held on the next day.

Lodge Activities:

Of course our lodge continues to be busy with Corn hole - Cards - Darts - Dancing --- ' fill in the blank....

Come enjoy the fun!

Don't forget if you have any ideas for activities or events, let us know so that we can plan for the future.


Our back hall is available for rental. Please encourage your friends and families to use our facility for their wedding receptions, reunions, parties, meetings, etc. Call the Lodge 502-491-8335 and ask for Julie Caffee.

Lodge Newsletter: 

Please send your articles and information to Chris Langford at elks8newsletter@gmail.com.

Are you interested in going GREEN and help save the trees -- one way is to get on our Lodge email list. By doing so, your Newsletter can be emailed to you. If you are interested in this please email Chris at the address above.


Now that we have turned the page on our calendar and started a new year, we still have three months remaining in the Elks fiscal year!  See me at the lodge or email me if you'd like to make a donation online!

Lora Forde, Chairperson, lora.a.forde@gmail.com

**Elks Lodge 8 AUXILIARY**

Since 1919 the Elks Lodge 8 Auxiliary has been an indispensable support structure for our Lodge in any and all capacities.  We are a strong and active organization with over 135 members and we continue to grow and thrive.  In order to apply for membership to the Auxiliary, the applicant must be 21 years of age and affiliated with an Elk of good standing.

Eligible members will be:

  • Spouse of an Elk
  • Widow or Widower of an Elk
  • Unmarried Child of an Elk
  • Unmarried Parent of an Elk
  • Unmarried Siblings of an Elk
  • An Elk Member in their own right
  • Any Member in good standing with the Auxiliary who loses affiliation with the Elk for any reason is able to remain a member of the Auxiliary.

The cardinal principles of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks are Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity.  In keeping with our mission to support the Order, charitable activities include:

  • Scholarships - Our annual awards include the Jackie Polsgrove Award and the Robotix Matching Scholarship.
  • Robley Rex Veterans Administration Medical Center
  • Crusade for Children
  • Children’s Christmas and Easter Party
  • Senior Community Support
  • Bereavement Services
  • Lodge upkeep and beautification including maintenance of the Memorial Garden
  • Volunteer Support for the Elks fundraising events
  • Annual Community Craft Fair

The Auxiliary meets at 7:30 on the First Tuesday of the Month.  To join the Auxiliary, complete an application displayed on the Auxiliary bulletin board or see an Auxiliary member for more information.   Membership in the Lodge 8 Auxiliary automatically includes membership in the KY State Auxiliary.  We are a warm and friendly group and any of us would be thrilled to tell you all about our endeavors!

Hours of Operation: 

Monday through Thursday 11:00am. until 11:00pm.

Friday and Saturday 11:00 until 1:00am.

Sunday 1:00pm. until 10pm.

Connect with our Social Media:

Follow us on X, Facebook or Instagram @elkslodge8

Any questions contact the Lodge at 502-491-8335.