Fargo, ND 260

Fargo, ND Lodge No. 260

Here is this week's lineup.

Monday - Fall cleanup - putting away outside tables and chairs.  Trustee Meeting at 5:30 pm.  Cleanup right after the meeting.

Tuesday - Sloppy Joe's will be available at 6:00 pm.

Wednesday - Julie Lee and the White Rose band will be playing from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.  The grill will be on.

Thursday - Prime Rib - call 293-5151 for your reservation.

Friday - Erikoke karaoke.

Saturday - The grill will be on from 11:00 - 2:00pm.  Erikoke karaoke.

See you at the club!


Don't forget to sign up for the rib contest.  See Keny for the details.