Torrance, CA 1948

Torrance, CA Lodge No. 1948

Welcome To The 

Torrance, California

Elks Lodge # 1948

"The Friendliest Lodge"

Member Meetings

2nd and 4th Wednesdays 

of the month at 7:30PM

Upcoming Events

Lodge Address

1820 Abalone Avenue Torrance CA 90501

Office Hours:

Mon. and Tues. 12 - 4PM

1st, 3rd & 5th Wed. 12 - 4pm

2nd & 4th Wed. 12 - 7pm

Social Quarters / Bar

Monday - Friday :  3pm - close

Sat: 11am - close


Office Phone:   310-320-1948

Social Quarters:   310-320-6613