Miss Oregon 2017 Harley Emery
Former Elks Scholarship winner Harley Emery crowned as Miss Oregon 2017
Honoring our Veterans on 11-12-16
Veteran's Dinner 11-12-16
Road Kill Cook Off held in August, watch for details
Check out the transformation of the ugly little triangle.
Thank you to the SPD and our Lodge members who made this $10,000 donation happen.
A rare glimpse of an Elkalo, the offspring of the mating of an Elk and a Buffalo which occasionally occurs around 4 PM at our lounge any day except Sunday. Females of these species are extremely rare.
Springfield Elks donate $5000 dollars to the Spingfield Family Resource Center to help local school children in need.
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Snack Pack crew 2016
Flag Day Ceremony. The Young Marines performed a salute to the history of our flag.
All Elks and guests are welcome here.
DDGER Dave Olheiser - Also 2008-2009 OSEA President and Springfield Lodge Crab Meister
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