Our Name EMBLEM Signifies the Flag of the United States of America, which is preserved and cherished as a priceless possession. We are... Dedicated to Charitable Acts in the Community, the States, and the Nation. Dedicated to Unite all Emblem Clubs in closer bond while furthering good fellowship among the members. Dedicated to Promote and protect the interests of Clubs and to Bear True Allegiance to the Constitution and Flag of the United States of America. The Emblem Club Motto: TRUTH, JUSTICE and CHARITY is the guide in all Club Work.
The Emblem Club meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11:00am at the Springfield Elks Lodge.
President ..........................Sue E Dahlquist
Jr. Past President .............Boni Penning
First Vice President ..........Flossy Libby
Financial Secretary ...........Frieda Pearson
Treasurer ..........................Susan Dahlquist
Corresponding Secretary ..Appointed
Historian ............................Essie Delffs
Second Trustee .................Bernice Hill?
Third Trustee .....................Geri Dooley
Marshal ..............................Appointed
First Assistant Marshal ......Susan Dahlquist
Organist .............................Donna Brant
First Guard ........................Essie Delffs
Second Guard ...................Nancy Murphy
Past State Presidents: .....Bernice Hill, Frieda Pearson, Boni Penning
You are invited to visit our Supreme and State Emblem websites. Links to these sites can be found under the "Lodge Links" button at the left. More about The Supreme Emblem Club of the United States of America: A small group of Elk's ladies began meeting together in 1917 to wrap bandages for World War I. They enjoyed the sociability, and at the same time felt the joy of accomplishment. The combination of assisting others and enjoying good fellowship appealed to other women, and a community group came together. Fifteen members of a group of ladies in Providence, Rhode Island, related to members of the Benevolent and Protective order of Elks, who were active under the name of Emblem Club, developed the idea of a national organization of such groups. the organization was chartered in the State of Rhode island as the Supreme Emblem Club of the United States of America by Ester A. Sweeney, Mary T. Duffy, Alice Farrell, Mary L. Clark, and Charlotte O'Conner of the 'original fifteen' on April 27, 1926, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State of Rhode Island on May 3, 1926. Nine Emblem Clubs were organized during the first year in the New England States in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut. This number has steadily increased and now, in more than seventy years of formal existence, Emblem Clubs are located in every section of this country, including Alaska and Hawaii. With this organization continuously progressing, the future of Emblem is even more promising. The Emblem Club attracts individuals of many diverse talents, abilities, and ages, all of whom combine to make Emblem a very special organization. In Emblem there is an important place for each member. Membership: An individual must be a citizen of the United States of America and at least sixteen years old. A prospective member must be sponsored by an Emblem Club member and by a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. An Emblem Club may be recognized as an auxiliary by an Elks Lodge. However, the Lodge has no jurisdiction in the formation, rules, or regulations of the Emblem Club. The Emblem Club is an independent organization. The good will and assistance of the members of the Lodge of Elks is most welcome and helpful, cooperation between the Elks and the Emblem is most desirable in the interest of progress and harmony. An Emblem member attending a meeting or social event within the Elks Lodge must be governed by and obey the House Rules of the Elks Lodge. Duties of Members: Attendance at all meetings is hoped for, and members are invited to participate in debate and decision making. Any member may serve on any committee and may be elected to office. Loyalty to the Emblem Club is expected to support the clubs projects, participate in charitable endeavors, bear true allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and become involved in the fellowship of the organization. There is an important place for each member in the Emblem Club. Emblem Club Meetings: Affiliated Emblem Club meetings are held once each month (except for optional two month vacation annually). All business meetings must be opened and closed in form as prescribed by the Ritual and Supreme Emblem Club. The place the regular meetings are held is decided by each individual Emblem Club, and in many cases, the Elks have generously granted the use of the hall for meetings. The Emblem Clubs reciprocate by strict adherence to the privileges allowed, and rendering much material assistance to the said Lodge.