The Port Huron Elk Lodge 343 held its annual Special NeedsChildren and Adults Christmas Party on Sunday, December 11th from 12:30 pm to3:30 pm. Seven group home residents from Stoney Brook, Thornhill, OakLeaf, Ravenswood, Hancok, Ben Blann House and River Bend were able to enjoy thefestivities. Over 40 clients and support staff enjoyed music, dancing,beverages, snacks, pizza and cake all while waiting for Santa and his helpersto arrive to hand out early Christmas presents. Elks Lodge 343 member DavidW. Crimmins (Santa) paid a special visit to those in attendance with supportfrom his helpers Kaylee Harris (Jingles), Daniel J. Moore, Caroline Moore andLiberty Proctor. Lifetime Elk member DJ Don Rutkofske provided the Christmasmusic and Elk member Sandy Korich provided the committee a great deal on hispizzas. Event Hosts and Committee Co-Chairs Butch & Judy Hills andDavid & Rose Howard were assisted by Lori Malinowski, Ryan & TinaProctor, Gwen Rutkofske and Scott R. Harris PER, DVC. This annual event wasonce again, a huge success and enjoyed by all in attendance. Next year’sevent will take place on the 2nd Sunday in December the 10th.
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