2022-2023ENF Gratitude Grant $2,000.00 to:
LighthouseFellowship Church
FortGratiot, MI. 48059
Presentation Date: Wednesday, December7, 2022
2022-2023Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant$2,000.00 (Awarded)
The Church of Freedom LighthouseFellowship provides food to over 150families a week, plus sponsors a monthly Family Fun Day. They also do a“Scoutreach” program for 3 local schools, with 75 active students fromCleveland Literacy Academy, Woodrow Steam Academy and Eastshore LeadershipAcademy. The Church has a diverse unity outreach center under thechurchc501c3 state code. Their goal is to serve the needs of our Localcommunity while helping those less fortunate, knowing they are feed and clothe duringtimes of struggle. Pastor Gene Warren and his staff are honorable peopleand have a great repour with many members of Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 who haveassisted the Church’s process of helping others with personal donations,preparing meals, providing food baskets, winter clothing and hygiene products. Also, while supporting the youth program and providing for those in needwhile assisting when called upon. With this 2022-2023Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant inthe amount of $2,000.00 we are now assisting evenmore. If interested in assisting or donating to the Church of FreedomLighthouse Fellowship it is located at 4330 Pinegrove Fort Gratiot, MI. 48059Attn: Pastor Gene Warren (810) 962-2114 hgenewarren@gmail.com freedomlighthouse2019@gmail.com www.freedomlighthousefellowship.com.
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