2022-2023ENF Beacon Grant $4,000.00 to:
Mid-CityNutrition Program
805Chestnut Street
PortHuron, MI. 48060
Presentation Date: Thursday, December8, 2022
2022-2023Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant$4,000.00 (Awarded)
Mid-City Nutrition Program serves ourlocal community in St. Clair County, Michigan. The staff of employees andvolunteers continue to focus daily, year-round on the war against hunger in ourlocal community and county. Mid-City Nutrition program, serves hot andhealthy prepared meals daily, to anyone in need, including children, theelderly and many local Veterans. Lunch is served (6) days a week, Mondaythru Saturday. Dinner is served (6) evenings a week, Sunday thru Friday,52 weeks a year. MCN annually serves over 60,000 meals a year. Aswe all know, due to the tremendous impact COVID-19 has had on our nation andcommunity, we have researched and determined this would be the best use ofthese grant funds assisting our own local community in the war againsthunger. With this 2022-2023 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant in the amountof $4,000.00, this willhelp alleviate some of the strain on the staff and volunteers, knowing they canpurchase food and cooking items not regularly donated with the help of thismonetary grant. Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 members believe in ourcommunity’s growth, charity to those in need, and active participation in manycommunity services and functions. It should also be noted that Elks Lodge343 Past Exalted Rulers Association donates annually, to MCN while providing"Baskets for the Needy" during the holiday season. The staff of employees and volunteers are good,caring people who have assisted the MCN organization for many years whilehelping others. Mid-City Nutrition Program serving St. Clair County islocated 805 Chestnut Street Port Huron, MI. 48060 and can be reached at (810)334-7566.
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