During our most recent blood drive, (32) donorsregistered with (2) donors being deferred and (26) whole blood pintscollected, this included (4 Power reds = 8 pints) for 34 total unitscollected, which is 120% of our goal. We also had one first time donorwho arrived to provide the ”Gift of Life”. With Lodge 343 supporting the American Red Cross, we have collected over 1,474units (pints) = 184 plus gallons of blood since our 1st blooddrive on January 7, 2013. We are now on our way to reaching our next goalof 2,000 pints (250 gallons). Our 44th Blood Drive has beenscheduled for MONDAY, November 21st and to date, we currently have18 appointments already booked!
343Blood Drive Committee
ScottR. Harris, DVC, PER Committee Chairman
JaySpencer, Committee Co-Chair
JohnCuthbertson, Loyal Knight & Committee Co-Chair
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