Congratulations to Past Exalted Ruler Gail C. Marquis onbeing nominated for and being approved by a unanimous vote of by all inattendance, while being awarded the Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 Honorary LifetimeMembership status into our order on Monday, August 8th. Gail’s nomination letter was read during themeeting portion under “Good of the Order” which highlighted her 20 plus yearmembership, involvement in many lodge committees, her commitment to our Lodgeas an employee, as a spouse of a member and as a long-standing member includingher service as a Lodge Officer, sitting in many chairs including ExaltedRuler. Gail was also a past Officer ofthe Year, Ritual Champion in both district and state competitions among many ofher awards. The Lodge Officers and ElkMembers in attendance voted unanimously for this high honor and well-earnedachievement. Congratulations PER Gail and thank you for your continued supportof Elks Lodge 343.
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