With the main portion of the Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 Golf Pavilion completed,we would like to thank the following Elk Members, Volunteers and Suppliers whohelped make this plan a reality. All in all, it took about 20 days fromstart to completion of this great addition to our Elks Lodge 343. Thankyou to Brian St. Onge, Nolan St. Onge, Mike Easton, PER Scott R. Harris, RichNichols, Jim Cowden, Greg Farley, Ed Quain, Rick Niemietz, DonnVanHuylenbrouck, Desiree VanHuylenbrouck, Randy Johnston, Dan “Tater” Gilbert,Shawn N. Eagle, Mike Duncan, David DeLong, Karl Gibbs, PER Mark J. Howard, DaveHoward, Mark Pringle, Robert Roth, PER Joseph Barbe, Chef Rob Farrell, TimAinsworth and Jason Oakley for the building construction, power installation,overhead fans, tempered glass railing, project clean up or just stopping by toshow your support for the guys. Thank you to the 2021 Queen of Hearts committeemembers for using some of the proceeds towards the build of the pavilion. ToMolly Reuba, Laura Old, Carmella Robbins for selecting the beautiful outdoorfurniture and Julius Traub, Mike Halifax, Randall Burgett and PER Scott Perkinsfor assembling the furniture. Thank you to Shelley Murdick and the Flowercommittee for the beautiful flower planters and to the Thursday Morning andAfternoon Golf League players for donating to the 50/50 weekly drawings withpart of those proceeds covering the cost of the furniture. Thank you toour suppliers, Pro Finish Carpentry, TMA Electric, Port Huron Glass, MorganExcavating, Bluebird Foundations LLC, Bill Gilbert at Trebling Designs, JerryCameron and Mortimer Lumber for everything they provided and completed. To any volunteers or suppliers, we may have missed mentioning, your help,support and supplies were greatly appreciated. All proving once againthat Elks Care - Elks Share!
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