PortHuron Elks Lodge 343 held our 39th consecutive Blood drive on June20th. We had (3) first time donors, (34) donors registeredwith (6) donors deferred and (25) whole blood pints collected (2 Power reds = 4pints) for 29 total units which were collected which is 87% of our goal. We also had 11 Type “O” donors of the 34 who arrived to provide the ”Gift of Life”. With Lodge 343supporting the American Red Cross, we have collected over 1,304units (pints) = 163 plus gallons of blood since our 1st blooddrive on January 7, 2013. We are now on our way to reaching our next goalof 2,000 pints (250 gallons). Thank you to Mary from the Burchville LionsClub who donated her time at the sign in table and step-down area. Our 40thBlood Drive has been scheduled for Monday, July 18th.
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