PortHuron Elks Lodge 343 presented the Elks National Foundation 2021-2022Gratitude Grant of $2,000.00 to the Mid-City Nutrition Program who servesSt. Clair County Michigan, focusing on the war against hunger in our county.Their goal is to serve delicious, hot, and healthy meals to anyone who is inneed. Lunch is served 6 days a week Monday thru Saturday and dinner is served 6evenings a week Sunday thru Friday. Last year they were able to serve over 60,000meals locally with the help of donations and volunteers. Due to thetremendous impact COVID-19 has had on our community we researched anddetermined this would be the best use of the targeted funds to assist our localcommunity in the war against hunger. Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 members believein charity and active participation in community service. As we all know, itcan be very difficult for anyone to seek assistance in times of need. We knowthat Mid-City Nutrition Program treats their clients with dignity and respect.Our goal is to actively participate with MCN in serving delicious, hot, andhealthy meals to anyone who is in need. We will measure the success by our PortHuron Elks Lodge 343 members active participation in this new venture. We believe,that after their initial involvement with MCN, our members will be inspired toseek out future opportunities to serve our community.
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