PortHuron Elks Lodge 343 presented the Elks National Foundation 2021-2022Freedom Grant of $2,500.00 to our local Department of Veterans Affairs ofCounty of St. Clair, Michigan. Our goal is to utilize these funds andprovide our local Veterans with Winter apparel, other cold weather gear, suchas blankets, hats, gloves, health and hygiene products to our local Veterans’organizations and other needs for homeless Veterans. These provisions wouldhelp our local homeless Veterans stay safe, warm and healthy during the frigidMichigan Winter months. Due to the national homeless crisis for Veterans,our St. Clair County Department of Veterans Affairs continually supplies ourlocal Veterans with many essentials. This is only made possible with thecontinued donations from individuals and organizations such as our FraternalOrder of Elks. We want to keep our local Veterans safe and warm duringthe cold Michigan Winter months. In addition, this will continue to foster analready close relationship with an agency (DVA) that is integral in supportingour esteemed Veterans. This also enables Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 to keep thisNational crisis visible to our members and family’s.
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