Elks Grand Exalted Ruler T. Keith Mills has requested that all Local Lodges set aside May 1-7, 2022, as Elks National Youth Week. Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 continues its yearly support of our youth and its youth programs. Recently Lodge 343 was presented the City of Port Huron Youth Week Proclamation signed by Mayor Pauline M. Repp and the City Council members designating May 1-7 as Youth Week in the City of Port Huron to honor our Junior Citizens for their accomplishments. All Lodges are urged to sponsor programs throughout the first week in May dedicated to the youth of our country. These Lodge 343 programs such as luncheons or banquets honoring outstanding students, our PER Educational Assistance Scholarship Program, our Youth Golf Program, our local Hoop Shoot program, our Elks Youth Recognition Awards, are just a few examples of the activities that Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 participates in yearly with the support of the Lodge 343 PER Association. Quality Youth Activities Programs such as Elks National Youth Week will enable us to become an important link between volunteers and leaders in the USA, demonstrating once again that ELKS CARE — ELKS SHARE.
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