Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 held our 36th consecutive Blood drive on March 21st. You may be interested to know, (30) donors registered, (2) donors were deferred and (28) units were collected which is 125% of our goal. We also registered one “First Time” donor and had (15) Type O Donors also arrive to provide the ”Gift of Life”. With Lodge 343 supporting the American Red Cross, we have collected over 1,215 units (pints) = 151 plus gallons of blood since our 1st blood drive on January 7, 2013. We are now on our way to reaching our next goal of 2,000 pints (250 gallons). Our 37th Blood Drive has been scheduled for Monday, April 18th and or 38th drive is scheduled for Monday, May 16th from 12:00 pm to 5:45 pm.
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