The Port Huron Elks Lodge 343 Flower Committee gathered this past week to review the end of year budget and discuss next year’s plans. The Flower Committee is led by Chairperson Shelley Murdick. Pictured is the Flower committee with Shelley Murdick sitting lower, front center, going counter clockwise to Shelley’s right: Lynn Burgett, Judy Hills, Jo Eisen, Beverly Johnston, Debbie Ernst, Jane Dennis, Karen Barber, Linda Kempf and Sally Patterson. This great group of Ladies continue volunteering while making our Lodge grounds and Golf course picturesque for all to enjoy. Also, thank you to all of the Lodge 343 Elk members who assisted financially by donating to the Flower Committee this past season. Once again well-done ladies, everything looked beautiful! Your time and efforts do not go unnoticed and are greatly appreciated.
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