Bartlesville, OK 1060

Bartlesville, OK Lodge News

ER message November

Set goals, pursue goals, achieve your dreams. You, like me, have heard this cry many different times during
your lifetime, and while it is a noble sentiment, I think sometimes we can be too goal oriented. As I reach the
middle of my tenure as ER I have recently been looking back at what I planned to do versus what I have been able to accomplish. At first I found myself focused on the negatives. I haven’t filled all my officer spots, I haven’t gotten chairman for all my committees, I haven’t generated an increase in membership, etc etc
As I was going through this list though it suddenly dawned on me that I was missing the point. On the way
to achieving my goals I was forgetting to enjoy the journey. For example, I have met more than 20 wonderful people who are now my good friends and will be for many years to come. I have recruited some young dynamic individuals who will in time form the
basis for those officer spots and committee chairs. I have had some great Karaoke nights and Jam sessions
and a luau and a flag day ceremony and a poolside picnic, and a wonderful youth banquet. So right at that
moment I rededicated myself to working hard to achieve our goals but not to become so obsessed by them that I didn’t completely enjoy the wonderful time I am having as ER. I wanted to look back in a few months and say I enjoyed the journey not just the

I want to close this month with a familiar theme, if you weren’t there you missed a great party. This time I am referring to the October Jam session setup by Alan and Donna Beckworth. We had a fantastic time, just ask anybody who was there. Alan brought his brother in law from St Louis who was kind enough to play many numbers for us along with Alan and Jack Craig. We
also had some wonderful vocals provided by Donna and others. These members are excellent entertainers. If you haven’t heard one of our “newest” lodge members, Jim Hunt who plays a scintillating saxophone, clarinet, and flute and also sings you must catch him at our next Karaoke or Jam session. The gentleman has real talent. Next time you hear about a lodge event, like the Christmas decorating, the hog calling and the charity classic this month put in an appearance, I can guarantee you a good time.