Des Moines, IA 98

GER Message

Dedicated, passionate Elks made this year a success

We celebrate the birth of the greatest nation on earth on the fourth day of this month. It is a time to reflect on all the freedoms we have enjoyed because of the vision of a small group of men and women committed to a cause.

People in this country still enjoy those same freedoms 248 years later. The enthusiasm for the cause of liberty has never been stronger. As Elks our commitment to our nation has never been stronger. Happy birthday, America--the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Time flies when you are having fun. A year ago, Wanda and I began this incredible journey. This was an adventure we never envisioned but we are so glad to have experienced.

The accomplishments we witnessed throughout our travels were truly remarkable. It was great to see your communities recognize that "Elks Care--Elks Share" and "We Are THE Elks." We are very proud of your dedication to our Order.

It was great to meet new friends as well as spend time with old friends. The Elks really are one big happy family. Please continue to ask that relative or friend to join our family.

Wanda and I will continue to serve you as we move forward into this next Elks year, and for many more, God willing. The past year has been an adventure we will treasure forever. I would like to close by saying thank you for everything. We look forward to seeing you at the Grand Lodge Convention in Austin, Texas. It will be an exciting time.

God bless our great Order, our troops, and the United States of America.