Sebasticook Valley, ME 2713

Quick Facts about our Lodge

  • We were chartered in 1986 and our first Exalted Ruler or Lodge President was Spencer R. Havey, a retired Pittsfield Chief of Police and former sheriff of Somerset County. He eventually served four terms as Exalted Ruler. The lodge’s first organizational meetings were held at the former Wright’s Emporium on Hartland Avenue and later moved to the Cianbro Training Center. We eventually purchased the former American Legion Post at 26 Middle Street in Pittsfield where we are now located.

  • There are 22 Lodges in the state from York to Presque Isle. The closest lodges to Sebasticook Valley are Skowhegan-Madison, Waterville and Bangor.

  • Starting April 1, 2015, our regular lodge meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7 p.m., except for July and August when we meet on the 4th Monday only; and in December, when we meet on the 2nd Monday only.  Lodge meetings usually last about one hour and everyone is encouraged to attend and participate.

  • The major charity supported by Maine Elks Lodges is the Maine Children’s Cancer Program (MCCP). More than $3 million has been contributed during the past 20 years to support the center located in Scarborough. All money stays within the state.

  • In addition to the MCCP, we raise funds and contribute hundreds of volunteer hours for youth scholarships and athletic programs such as the Hoop Shoot and Soccer Shoot, Togus Veterans’ Hospital and local assistance for needy veterans, Red Cross blood drives, food pantries, emergency donations for families in need, the Elks National Foundation, Elks Drug Awareness and Americanism Programs and much more.

  • Social events at the Sebasticook Valley Lodge include karaoke, pot luck suppers, holiday celebrations such as New Year’s Eve, Super Bowl Sunday and St. Patrick’s Day; the Central Maine Egg Festival parade, an annual golf tournament, “Super Supper” and much more.

  • All members are urged to sign up to receive the monthly E-News Update from the Maine Elks Association by visiting And for updated information about our lodge, visit the “Elks Lodge – Sebasticook” Facebook page.

“Elks Live – Elks Give”